Example sentences of "have [been] [verb] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although they were perfectly competent people and good at their jobs , they were never going to become part of the new culture which we have been trying to design for the Storehouse group .
2 This has a shuffling joss-sticky booga-booga spook beat and a strange haircut ; this is the record that Pop Will Eat Itself have been trying to make for the past 24 months , the grinning idiot love-child of Mr Desmond Drugmusic and Mrs Winnie Indiewhine brought up in a radical lesbian commune in Vancouver , Canada and fed on a diet of black pudding and Ecstasy .
3 The data shown in the tables have been weighted to allow for the 50 Tory marginals ' over-representation in the total sample .
4 A number of mechanisms have been implicated to account for the adverse effect of thiazide diuretics on lipid metabolism , which include reduced lipoprotein lipase activity secondary to the decrease in insulin action ( Grimm et al , 1981 ) .
5 Lalande wrote of him in 1763 : ‘ Sisson has been several times in prison for failing to pay his workmen [ of whom Jesse Ramsden , q.v. , was one ] ; he starts many things and finishes nothing : he takes his instruments to the pawnbroker , where they have been seen selling for a tenth of their value .
6 Over the last year ACET 's centres in Dundee , Edinburgh and Glasgow have been asked to care for a growing number needing practical help to stay at home .
7 Three firms of Mechanical Engineers have been asked to tender for the machinery and steelwork under conditions embodied in a Specification of Terms , a copy of which is hereto appended .
8 From the ‘ mini ’ , weighing as little as an amoeba or only one hundred-millionth of a kilogram ( unc kg ) to the ‘ supermassive ’ with a mass one thousand million times that of the Sun , they have been invoked to account for a wide range of cosmic phenomena .
9 Neither Scorton Village Hall , the local cafe nor the local police have been contacted by your organisation and I am puzzled about what arrangements have been made to provide for the arrival of scores of riders .
10 It is therefore not surprising that many variants of the interaction between stellar winds and molecular clouds have been explored to account for the differences from one H-H object to another .
11 He has only expressed what a lot of other people have been starting to fear for a long time , that unless the commercial manipulators in tennis are careful , they could cook the golden goose .
12 Seventy have been given refugee status and 240 have been allowed to stay for a year after which their cases will be reviewed .
13 The likes of Terry Wogan , Michael Parkinson and Ernie Wise all have been known to clamour for a soul food supper in preference to other exotic foreign fare .
14 Various explanations have been advanced to account for the occupational rewards of professionals .
15 But that 's cold comfort to the players who for the past two months or so have been attempting to qualify for the PGA European Tour .
16 If you have been told to aim for a very precise figure , or have been following conventional height-to-weight charts , then you are almost definitely trying for an unrealistic weight .
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