Example sentences of "have [not/n't] [verb] [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Your father , and Elizabeth and the others , are very worried about you , because you have not visited them for a long time .
2 ‘ Women say to me they have n't done anything for the last ten years and it turns out they have had four children , run the PTA , served as parent governor , done charity work , organised a community activity and cared for aged parents . ’
3 We have n't done it for a while .
4 But we have n't done it for the past eighteen months .
5 Have n't seen her for a while .
6 Oh here 's another dog I think oh it 's Judy 's , not it 's not hello , have n't seen you for a long time , hello , have n't seen her for a long time , morning , good morning oh she 's a sweetie is n't she ? forgotten her name come and say hello , I have n't seen you for ages , so him once on the , good morning .
7 Have n't seen her for a couple of month , have you ?
8 Have n't seen them for a long time .
9 ‘ You do n't get over disliking someone simply because you have n't seen them for a long time . ’
10 Well say hello to them for us cos we have n't seen them for a long time .
11 I have n't seen them for a while
12 Oh gosh , I have n't seen them for a
13 Oh I was very , I have n't seen him for a while , being ill you do n't , but er , he was always sending messages of good will when I was in hospital .
14 I have n't seen him for a day or two , ’ said the girl , ‘ but he usually comes in about now . ’
15 I have n't seen him for a while actually .
16 This is me , I goes , I goes I 'll let it slip this time cos you have n't seen me for a few weeks .
17 Have n't seen you for a while . ’
18 Have n't seen you for a while , Mac , ’ she said , tight-lipped as she dropped the cheese rolls into a brown paper bag .
19 Have n't seen you for a long time have you ?
20 Oh here 's another dog I think oh it 's Judy 's , not it 's not hello , have n't seen you for a long time , hello , have n't seen her for a long time , morning , good morning oh she 's a sweetie is n't she ? forgotten her name come and say hello , I have n't seen you for ages , so him once on the , good morning .
21 I only brought that one down because we have n't seen it for a long time , just choose one
22 I do n't want him to say well she did n't come round , she did n't ask me for the money , I mean I have n't ask him for the money and , he 'd like to on a Friday , when one come up , when the next one comes you can you ?
23 You have n't used us for a while .
24 We have n't had one for a couple have we ?
25 No we 're still on A really , we have n't got one for A yet .
26 I mean I have n't thanked her for the money she sent .
27 Erm then you know that would be something whereas if they say well the recession 's so bad we have n't taken anybody for the last five years and your researches ca n't unearth anybody who seems to be prepared to er give you even half a chance then I mean
28 ‘ They have n't arrested anybody for the shooting .
29 I have nt seen it for a while and it was one of the more pleasing aspects to the Oldham game .
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