Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [prep] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh yeah , I 've done this I 've done that , I 've done this oh yeah , yeah , yeah , some of us have to go to school to work
2 ‘ I have to go to America on business .
3 They will find tiny plants and animals in the tank to help , but immature fish often have to go for periods without food .
4 ‘ You 've got to decide whether it 's … freer atmosphere and rowdyism or silence and total obedience , because I do n't think you … have any feelings towards somebody in schools where you just have to sit in silence in sort of neat rows …
5 But what we have to bear in mind of course er the f financial propriety of this council would in a sense have been very easy over the years if the labour party previously had trimmed its budget according to what we could all afford .
6 We have to remember in terms of timing that we started with the Gulf War and then moved into perhaps what will be seen as the worst recession since the '30s .
7 " You have to look at things like lighting , the height , colour and texture of the various plants or furnishings , and how you want to use the area — all the practical aspects of it .
8 Thirdly , the chapter has suggested that , in seeking to reconcile these conflicting objectives , mothers ( and fathers ) have to look to others for help .
9 However , my brief was to make a virtue of necessity , as we all have to do from time to time , and concentrate on the planting .
10 The view is excellent from all seats , although the two passengers in the middle of the benches have to lean from side to side to make the most of it .
11 It will be seen that I have to arrive at figures in respect of damages in this case under a number of heads .
12 But to understand a language sequence it is not enough to recognize the relationships between the elements present in it ; we also have to refer to relationships of absence , and it is these that Saussure calls associative relationships .
13 Here we have to turn to developments in design practice , road layout and housing .
14 To look at the work of an art critic in this way we have to turn to historians of taste for the past and to journalists for the present .
15 So that 's what we have to check from time to time .
16 I 'm sorry mummy had to rush us so much this morning it 's just when we 're in a rush we have to get to school on time you see , it 's a bit rotten when you 're only three is n't it ?
17 In the far north , where the landscape is turned white in winter by snow , mammals like rabbits and birds like ptarmigan have to change from brown to white and back again when the snows melt in spring .
18 I have to have in mind of course some , not just F , not also correctively now C
19 They wanted to mention the extension of nursery activities into the home , the importance of talking with the child , of playing together and sharing what has been learnt at nursery — also that staff are willing to listen to what parents have to say about happenings at home , and welcome comment and suggestions from parents .
20 What they have to say by way of appraisal has no effective force unless it is incorporated into the mediation process enacted by teachers and under their control .
21 Have to ask for contraceptives at chemist 's , not just wave items pinkly at assistant .
22 In other words , it is they who have to act as mediators between theory and practice , between the domains of disciplinary research and pedagogy .
23 The middle classes , especially those in government service , have to move from place to place and so need continuity of curriculum .
24 Though that 's beginning to be qualified a little because of the erm effects of erm national legislation , for example national employment legislation nowadays requires that all employers in a certain field of employment , and universities is one , erm pursue similar policies towards their staff , and indeed in our case erm pay them on the same pay scales and erm so in that sense we have to enter into agreements with trade unions and others which are binding on our members .
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