Example sentences of "have [vb pp] up [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The eight to 10 weeks after schools have broken up for the summer are the peak period for tour operators , and it is only around mid-September that they can judge how successful they have been .
2 For in the topsy turvy pecking order which is the current Russian economy , the middle class academics , civil servants and doctors have wound up at the bottom of the wages spiral , their savings largely , meaningless .
3 Recent studies have posed the question as to whether there is a link between film violence and real violence and have come up with the answer that the majority of people think there is , though at least one study concluded the opposite .
4 In both Nicaragua and Mozambique , the governments have come up against the question of choosing which language or languages to teach in .
5 And now we have come up before the beak for a second wigging , because on the application of one of our own citizens we are accused of ‘ degrading treatment or punishment ’ inflicted in the Isle of Man .
6 ‘ You have come up from the coast then ?
7 The rear windows have steamed up by the time we decant her , and do not clear again until we are nearly over Putney Bridge .
8 She writes that in August 1941 , before the Final Solution orders were given , Goebbels complained to Hitler that ‘ Antonescu proceeds in these matters in a far more radical fashion than we have done up to the present . ’
9 We have to rely on other resources , such as the network of informers that we have built up within the trade .
10 If the mussel is eaten by an animal or by a person , the poisons that have built up inside the mollusc may prove fatal .
11 Up to 20 of the bogus MOT certificates have turned up across the province in the last year , prompting a major investigation by detectives .
12 A GROUP of Belfast residents have moved up in the world — by moving down three or four flights of concrete stairs .
13 People who have grown up with the sport when the pressures were not too great perhaps do not always think of others .
14 In Europe many children have visited another country before their tenth birthday , and generations have grown up with the expectation of travel .
15 He says many people in the village have grown up with the noise of the jets .
16 Quite a number of the musicians who are at home in the ‘ renewal ’ idiom have grown up outside the Church .
17 If political imperatives dictate further and unpredictable shifts towards shorter maturities in future , the result will be to disrupt all the different credit markets ( in interest-rate derivatives , corporate debt and mortgage-backed securities , for example ) that have grown up around the Treasury 's vast borrowing schedule .
18 She has appealed to local people to give as many details as possible about the legends , history and myths which have grown up around the village over the years .
19 Town centres have grown up around the market place over many generations .
20 You are scarcely accounted a Christian in Chile until you have got up in the street and given testimony to Jesus .
21 ( As long as the heaving green adumbrates the land , as long as time has refused to be some time but always now , as long as the humungus titles have zipped up from the seam between sea and sky , as long … )
22 The lion 's share of Singapore 's exports is produced by the 3,000-odd foreign companies that have set up on the island .
23 Since then , 110 enterprises have set up in the centre 's offices , retail outlets and workshops .
24 There should be some recognition of the fact that the programmes that the Government have set up in the network of jobcentres , including restart , job clubs , job interview guarantees and all the programmes that they deliver through jobcentres or training and enterprise councils , help to alleviate the misery that comes with loss of employment .
25 But worries about its outcome have been growing as mining companies and others have woken up to the fact that their lands may be claimed by aborigine groups .
26 In later years , one union member pointed out that there was " a new generation of printers who have sprung up since the strike .
27 Fortunately for this particular hippy , she picked a merchant with a well-earned reputation for consistently high quality , because since the early Seventies a bewildering number of organisations have sprung up with the intention of guaranteeing a wine 's organic credentials .
28 If the past two years of desktop publishing has had an impact on the traditional typesetting market it must surely be reflected in the number of PostScript bureau that have sprung up around the country .
29 Working under the auspices of the Centre for Science Studies and Science Policy at Lancaster , Drs Brian Wynne , John Wakeford and Stephen Payne have linked up with the Child Care and Development Group at the University of Cambridge to carry out comparative study of public interpretations of scientific and technological concepts .
30 Starring at the County Ground tomorrow is Kenny Dalglish and his Blackburn team … his very first match as Rovers manager was at Swindon … both clubs have gone up in the world since then but what Town would give to turn the clock back and have the same scoreline again … 2-1 it was to swindon Chalky White and Colin Calderwood got the Town goals …
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