Example sentences of "have [vb pp] as [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In what other job might you call in and use a hot air balloon to appear over a city on a publicity stunt and that same afternoon sit in on a seminar which you have arranged as a scientific event ?
2 For the most part , multidisciplinary psychogeriatric teams have developed as an enhanced version of the traditional service , with the consultant as the team leader and decision maker and all patients receiving formal psychiatric assessment at some point during their contact with the service .
3 ‘ Not that I have any wish to flatter you , but I have to admit that your sometimes acerbic comments have come as a welcome change .
4 Many of the proposals in the recent Inland Revenue consultative document , A Simpler System for Assessing Personal Tax ( see ACCOUNTANCY , December 1992 , p 129 ) , have come as a welcome step towards simplifying the tax collecting process — not least the proposed ending of the schedular machinery of assessment and the introduction of a self assessment system for individuals .
5 Republican conspirators had found little support ; Picornell , whom we have met as a republican conspirator in Spain , failed to engineer a rebellion , while Miranda 's expedition of 1806 was a fiasco .
6 I am proud of what I have done as a practising solicitor and I expect all other solicitors feel the same .
7 This — which several British critics have seen as a post-AIDS film — is postmodernist in its mixture of genres : it starts out as a straightforward melodrama and shifts into a horror or ‘ stalk and slash ’ genre .
8 The same is not true of the West 's other non-Arab ally , Turkey , which some have seen as a potential guardian of the Levant .
9 In fact , it is the facility to achieve high degrees of such co-ordination and control in its complex inter-market organization and state-facilitated integration which many commentators have seen as the strategic edge of Japanese capitalism .
10 Furthermore , what I have presented as the Althusserean reply to Connolly emphasises the claim that ISAs constitute subjects , at the expense of the view that they legitimate a mode of production .
11 Many of these have adopted as a major part of their strategy over the last two years campaigns to attract bidders for Channel 5 franchises to locate in their cities .
12 This same process is the one we have adopted as the main teaching method for the less academic and less well motivated school pupil .
13 This same process is the one we have adopted as the main teaching method for the less academic and less well-motivated school pupil …
14 Over 1.2 million Tibetans have died as a direct result of China 's occupation , with countless more incarcerated in prisons and labour camps .
15 Torture and ill-treatment remains prevalent and some detainees have died as an apparent result of ill-treatment .
16 A large number of places , particularly the smaller cities and towns of southern England , have been on the receiving end of all three major migration streams , while at the other extreme the large cities , particularly those in northern England and Scotland ( the ‘ urban north ’ ) , have acted as the main reservoir from which these flows have been drawn .
17 Now the Liberal Democrats have re-emerged as an effective party of protest .
18 Derby have emerged as a major threat after the signing of former Sunderland star Marco Gabbiadini .
19 The book might , in its day , have served as a poetic manifesto for the Movement — a sort of critical defence of the Angry Young Poet — but events were to take another turn , leading him in 1968 to settle in the United States for twenty years ; to produce , on his return , Under Briggflats ( 1989 ) , a critical history of British poetry since 1960 .
20 Gael develops this line of thought ; he believes that ‘ the perceiving self — that basic identity which philosophers have defined as a mere sequence of impressions accumulated by memory — is in fact the human soul , not the mind ’ ( 212 ) .
21 I qualified in 1979 and have worked as a social worker and latterly as a team manager in various London boroughs .
22 The move , which doctors have welcomed as a huge step towards showing the true level of smoking-related deaths , follows lengthy talks between the British Medical Association , the Census Office and coroners ' representatives .
23 Talking straight to the hard-core men , he said , ‘ I want to apologise as an Englishmen for the way I have lived as a white man .
24 In the basis set I n ) H " has matrix elements where we have neglected as an inessential complication effects due to the vector nature of E.
25 The government 's aim has always been to attract foreign investment ; only its tactics have changed as the tiny city-state ( 639 sq km ) matures and looks for more sophisticated investors to help it achieve the longed-for ‘ developed nation ’ status by 2030 .
26 The fourth element of the constitution is one that I have described as a parliamentary government under a constitutional monarchy .
27 Subsection ( 2 ) , concerned with payments when administration orders are in force , provides clear support for the view that the draftsman had in mind what I have described as the natural meaning of the word depositor in this context .
28 Sometimes this way of working is just what health workers have been looking for , but it has to be acknowledged that such an approach does not fit easily with the conventional mode of western medicine and what we have described as the medical model .
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