Example sentences of "have [vb pp] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lynch , who fell on Barney Maclyvie at the first 11 years ago , said : ‘ I have been told that a lot of good jockeys have fallen at the first fence in their first ride in the National and then gone on to win the race next time .
2 Scottish psychiatric services have developed at a different pace and in a somewhat different form from those south of the border .
3 For these reasons , specialist services have developed at a fast pace within the CAD , as has been seen in the previous chapter .
4 Tom Graveney inspects the new artificial pitch which 3D Cricket have installed at the historic Hambledon CC
5 In the example of Rubik 's cube , we have looked at a substantial problem that leads naturally to a great deal of mathematics and uses many techniques of problem solving .
6 So far , we have looked at the external environment in only a very general kind of way .
7 Recent seminars have looked at the changing situation in southern Africa and the Gulf War and its effects .
8 A number of studies have looked at the geographical distribution of doctors both in regions and in smaller districts .
9 So far in this section we have looked at the present provision of training and at ways of improving the system .
10 A number of researchers have looked at the predictive validity of various types of assessments , including interviews , aptitude tests , personality tests and other techniques .
11 Already we have looked at the healthy state of the majority of children when they enter this world and how their health tends to deteriorate slowly with time .
12 So far we have looked at the consensual influence of television : at influences that varied from time to time but affected all or most citizens at any one time .
13 Today , we reach the end of the series ; I hope that you have found that the series has improved your prayer life , as we have looked at the whole subject from several different angles .
14 We have looked at the different types of land and seen roughly what could be done with them .
15 I wonder whether Opposition Members have looked at the excellent background paper produced by the Library research division , entitled ’ The Regulation of Privatized Utility Companies ’ , which was published on 1 July and is available in the Library .
16 Therapist : ‘ Now we have looked at the physical symptoms and the thoughts that accompany them , let's now look at how anxiety effects your behaviour .
17 You have come at the wrong time .
18 The charges against Mr Perez have come at an inconvenient moment , not only for him but also for Venezuela .
19 Tax benefits to private pension arrangements have risen at a similar rate , although the growth has been from a smaller base .
20 Previous culture experiments have hinted at a mycobacterial aetiology , and the circumstantial evidence such as granulomas is suggestive .
21 The selling franchise arrangement has operated quite successfully for the past eight years , and Argent Distributors have grown at a steady pace during this period , as can be seen from the sales turnover figures .
22 The index can be seen as measuring the increase in gross taxable income required to compensate taxpayers for any increase in retail prices , taking into account any changes in direct taxation ( including employees ' National Insurance contributions ) which have occurred at the same time .
23 However , changes have occurred at the local level , for there has been a strong centralization trend evident in both .
24 According to scientists at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory , the proposals for the centre have surfaced at a good time .
25 So general SVQs have arrived at a good time .
26 They have arrived at a similar endpoint , from a very different starting point .
27 So we have arrived at the following paradox .
28 A measure of your success in a coaching session is when the subordinate feels the discussion has been between two equals and that together you have arrived at the best course of action .
29 Nevertheless we have arrived at the same figures .
30 Both companies have arrived at the same answer .
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