Example sentences of "have [vb pp] for [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On a video-film made at Highlander entitled ‘ Save our Land and People , ’ a variety of these groups speak to each other about their own problems and possible solutions , hopes and fears , and I think it is no accident that some of the most beautiful music and evocative songs which I have heard for a long time comes from these people .
2 You have hidden for a long time , Maggie , and missed so much . ’
3 Some learning resources are cheaper than others , and British primary schools have improvised for a long time with the very simplest materials including the discarded packaging of the consumer society .
4 Already television consultants , Judge Marketing have arranged for a special camera to be set up on board British Steel Challenge .
5 As an apologist , he seems totally blind to the fact that the New Testament is just such a collection of old books , which require , if we are to understand them aright , patience and a willingness to listen to scholars who have meditated for a long time on the nature of the ( often quite puzzling and contradictory ) material which they contain .
6 But if voters have voted for a successful candidate why should some of them — just which , we shall examine later — be given the opportunity to vote for another candidate ?
7 The ballot will be secret and neither the names of those who have voted for a particular candidate nor the names of those who have abstained from voting shall be disclosed by the scrutineers .
8 And if voters have voted for an excluded candidate , why should they be permitted to switch their preference ?
9 The researchers have looked for a specific decay of the proton , namely into a positron and a neutral pi-meson ( n ) .
10 It is indeed remarkable — and perhaps a comment on the tunnel vision of many in academic life — that no previous scholars have looked for the Belgian detective 's literary antecedents in the most obvious of sources , the Medieval Mystery Play .
11 They are perhaps playing a more prominent part than they have done for a long time .
12 Nothing guarantees that the Americans and Russians will go on supplying it as they have done for the past couple of years .
13 ‘ Marcus is the best young athlete and talent I have seen for a long time , ’ said Allison .
14 If you saw it over the weekend I mean there was I think it was group sex er it was it wa was gay sex and it was all going on I mean it was all I thought it was the most exciting thing I have seen for a long time to be quite honest .
15 This has been one of the best Friday debates that I have attended for a long time .
16 We have argued for a long time that there is a peripheral argument that in the strategic interests of the nation we should be concerned about the coal industry .
17 We have argued for a revised theory of the relations between state and people : one reflecting the role of states in managing social relations and moral careers but one which recognises too that states , in representing a general or ‘ national ’ interest , have an important emotional significance .
18 Britain , France and West Germany have argued for a joint world turnover threshold of £3.5bn , while the majority want it set lower at £1.4bn .
19 As a way of understanding these linked themes we have argued for an increased emphasis on ‘ the expressive order ’ : the understandings , interpretations and theories which people have of their social world and the way it is changing .
20 Greenpeace have applied for a judicial review of the NRA 's system of controlling pollution — based on " consents " by which companies are allowed to pollute up to specific limits .
21 There is one further complication which has arisen , and that is , that we er , need to apply have applied for a high waste er , the roads on the estate are , in fact , adopted erm so we do need to get that through .
22 We have accepted for a long time that traumatic stress incidents are the basis of an industrial injury claim .
23 ‘ I have felt for a long time that the only way this issue was going to be resolved was to have it fixed on a political level — that it would n't just fade away .
24 No matter how volatile the economy you seem to have divine protection , whether this is because you have saved for a rainy day or you are just downright lucky .
25 But the Premier League clubs did come up with two positive measures in what Parry described as ‘ the most constructive meeting we have had for a long time . ’
26 It was the best experience I have had for a long time . ’
27 Health and Medical Organisations : All the leading British and international medical and health organisations that have studied the problem of smoking have called for a total ban by legislation on the promotion of tobacco .
28 Tens of thousands demonstrated last night in the Romanian capital after reports of at least 20 deaths there earlier in the day , and students at the heart of the protest movement have called for a general strike today .
29 Many organisations including the Town and Country Planning Association , Council for the Protection of Rural England , Royal Town Planning Institute , and the South East Economic Development Strategy have called for a comprehensive planning and transport strategy for the South East , arguing that this is essential both to protect the region from the adverse effects of the Tunnel and to maximise its benefits .
30 The family of a remand prisoner found hanged in his cell have called for a public inquiry after an inquest reached a suicide verdict .
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