Example sentences of "have [vb pp] the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The move has been welcomed by pollution campaigners in Britain , who have criticized the Department of Environment for its alleged failure to issue sufficient pollution warnings .
2 So far , we have calculated the yield to maturity on the basis of semi-annual discounting of semiannual coupon payments .
3 May I ask the Minister a question of which I have given the Department of Trade and Industry notice ?
4 The Plowden Report on Control of Public Expenditure contained , amongst other nuggets of wisdom , the following sentence which I should like to take as my starting-point : ‘ The social changes of the last fifteen years have altered the incidence of hardship , so that there now may well be excessive social services for some purposes and inadequate ones for others . ’
5 These two developments have altered the balance between time spent upon problem identification ( fault diagnosis/isolation ) , solution identification/optimisation and that spent upon solution implementation and control ( repair and rectification ) .
6 I have heard the Secretary of State for Scotland and some of his ministerial team say that local income tax would not benefit certain groups of people — teachers and hospital porters , for example .
7 Alright , so some high-powered committees have dismissed the idea of death rays , but that was before Star Wars showed that it can be done .
8 So-called post-structuralist accounts have exposed the myth of theory as ‘ truth ’ , and challenged what Anne Phillips in this volume calls the ‘ universalist pretensions ’ of Theory .
9 We have undertaken the type of audit Coulter and colleagues suggest , using a small cohort of patients from Northwick Park Hospital .
10 Many men have regarded the payment of maintenance as optional .
11 Those MPs of a so-called ‘ dry ’ tendency have regarded the control of inflation via a tight rein on the money supply as the primary objective of a government 's economic policy , favoured free-market policies and a reduction of state ownership and spending , and taken an authoritarian line on law and order and many social issues .
12 At first it is not easy … we usually find that we have completed the task at hand and then we remember that we have not stopped to think first .
13 They have made a major contribution to staff development by means of short courses and modular programmes in various areas of management education and have developed the Certificate of Management Studies on a significant scale .
14 Artists such as Jill Smith and Bruce Lacey have developed the idea of performance at sacred sites both as an artistic expression and also as a form of ritual whereby the artist may be inspired to receive insights into the original purposes behind sacred sites .
15 Laws and Dennison ( 1990 ) have traced the history of change in this connection between 1965 and 1982 .
16 ( b ) CCBE Code of conduct Both the Bar Council and the Law Society have ratified the Code of conduct adopted by the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community as providing a common basis for professional regulation .
17 A certain minority have realised the potential for confusion here .
18 Three ICI Pharmaceuticals scientists have received the Society for Drug Research 1991 award for drug discovery in recognition of their contribution to the discovery and development of Zoladex , ICI 's treatment for prostate cancer and breast cancer .
19 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
20 Several recent works on British history have examined the development of craft production , consumption and the increase in material culture , with volumes concentrating upon the seventeenth century ( Thirsk 1978 ) , the eighteenth century ( McKendrick , Brewer and Plumb 1983 ) , and the results of the industrial revolution in the later nineteenth century ( e.g. Fraser 1981 ) .
21 The studies that have examined the relationship between price volatility and maturity for index futures will now be summarized .
22 Box and Hale ( 1982 , 1985 , 1986 ) and Hale ( 1989ab ) have examined the relationship between unemployment and imprisonment since the end of the Second World War .
23 Previous studies have examined the content of referral letters from general practitioners to consultants as well as the requirements of consultants .
24 In previous Lectures we have examined the incidence of taxation by factors or classes we have asked whether a tax is borne by those receiving capital income or those with wages .
25 We have examined the concept of power within organisations and we now need to see how it is exercised .
26 ln Britain , this has usually meant that ‘ serious ’ books from the past have formed the core of degree work in English .
27 There are studies by organizational sociologists that suggest the limitations upon the formal control of subordinates by means of rules , and the behavioural studies of law enforcements which have emphasized the significance of bargaining and discretion in the activities of the police and other rule-enforcers .
28 Neo-liberal critiques have emphasized the dysfunctionality of legitimation expenditures in terms of ‘ crowding out ’ .
29 Thus , a number of studies by anthropologists ( Gluckman , 1965 ; Balandier , 1970 ; Godelier , 1977 , part IV ) have emphasized the influence of myth and ideology in tribal societies , and have indicated similarities in their function in other types of society , including the modern industrial societies .
30 The various theories of war have attempted to explain its incidence , scale and intensity in terms of such influences ; and in the case of modem war Marxist thinkers have distinguished between wars arising from imperialist rivalries , those resulting from conflicts between socialist and capitalist countries , and anti-colonial wars of liberation , while other social theorists have emphasized the strength of nationalism and the rivalry between nation states , pointing out that national interests may give rise to military confrontations and the use of armed force even among ‘ socialist ’ countries , as was the case in Hungary ( 1956 ) and Czechoslovakia ( 1968 ) , and briefly in the relations between the Soviet Union and China .
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