Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [indef pn] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have heard nothing on the Dave Norris situation for some while , but we must consider that he has gone .
2 We went to him and said : ‘ We have hidden something for the Man under one of your boats . ’
3 It is not restitutionary because these defendants have received nothing from the investors and so have nothing that they can restore .
4 So far they have received nothing from the Government , little EC assistance and are running out of funds donated by individuals and industry .
5 Of all the changes in the last two generations , only the great reservoirs of water for the industrial cities of the North and Midlands have added anything to the scene that one can contemplate without pain .
6 ‘ I assure you , Mr Tranter , that I have written nothing but the truth , ’ Catherine said quietly .
7 It is now common knowledge that there were consultants — were , because the Government have done something about the problem — who simply said , ’ I am a very important man .
8 So , if you have done something in the past which you now regret and would do differently were the situation to repeat itself , you should be pleased that you have learned something vital and that your spirit , having dealt with that negative aspect , will not have to encounter it again .
9 For the past 25 years leading businesses have done everything by the book .
10 You have done everything by the book and your water is spot on , but green water is truly a natural part of maturation and nothing to worry about in itself .
11 You say you have bestowed your gift of the secret of life on mankind , but in fact you have done nothing of the sort .
12 In the event , Sodom could not produce even ten good men , but we have seen something of the lengths to which God 's mercy goes .
13 But , up until now , they have offered nothing for the budget or ‘ entry level ’ guitar market .
14 Whether I have conveyed anything of the delight we took in his company I do n't know and his exact words may have been even better but the magic of his style returns to me and I had another giggle writing this .
15 The Chinks have got everything bar the pea-shooters piled up .
16 The pubs I was in had a crackin atmosphere , and when ruddock scored I guess it was almost like when Leeds get a goal … not that us leeds folks have got anything against the scum you understand ! ! !
17 It is noteworthy that the Situationists have produced nothing in the way of new projects for these texts , nor for the exhibition .
18 If the modern manic individual is uninhibited in the state of mania because , as Rado suggests , he has regressed to a state of psychic organization that existed in him at his mother 's breast and definitely before his superego formed , then we can see that the reason why the divine kings of early agricultural societies could be described as ‘ manic ’ lie in exactly similar conditions : a situation in which the ego is not constrained by the superego because their collective equivalents — primal father and mother on the one side , and the son on the the other — have become one in the person of the monarch ( who , in this respect , is decidedly and accurately described as an incarnation of the trinity ) .
19 However , a number of other authors ( for example , Alberro , 1981 ; Kormendi and Meguire , 1984 ) have employed something like the Lucas approach using data from more countries , and have generally found much the same result as that reported in Lucas .
20 Overweight people , particularly the heavily overweight , rarely stop eating until they have finished everything on the plate .
21 But perhaps the greatest satisfaction is the knowledge that you have created something of the beauty that is going to be there for many years .
22 I have explained how easy rabbits are to deal with in a dead-end , but a blockage can occur in the middle of a burrow when a number of rabbits have accumulated one behind the other .
23 Perhaps they have lost something in the printing , but the reader will never know .
24 Most importantly , I have learnt something of the responsibility a researcher has towards these people who have let him or her into their lives .
25 Media reports have acquainted everyone with the notion that rocketing prison populations , overcrowding , unrest among staff and inmates , and especially prison riots ( such as those at Strangeways prison in Manchester and at over 20 other prisons in April 1990 ) add up to a severe and deepening penal crisis .
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