Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Themes in existence by 1950 were continued in subsequent decades but they have developed so extensively and changed so dramatically that their origins may now appear to be many years away .
2 Over the years , the departments have moved closer together and combining them will also lead to efficiency savings for the authority .
3 Should general SVQs be able to differentiate students who have performed significantly better than required ?
4 We have got this far and ignored a lot of work regarding issues of land rent and of the nature of capital 's relation with land as part of a general accumulation process .
5 Some French intellectuals have gone even further and demanded that the whole thing be burned to the ground .
6 Some literary historians have gone even further and have suggested that courtly love was much more than just a fashionable and pleasant way of passing time .
7 It had been said in the past that there was a convention that the House of Lords would not pass amendments calculated to alter the kernel of a bill approved by the Commons , but in recent years amendments have gone much further than altering the fine details of the Bill .
8 Neo-Marxists have gone much further and tend to claim that , in advanced capitalist societies , the state and its various bureaucracies have distinctive levels of relative autonomy from the different fractions of the bourgeoisie and , indeed , on occasion state functionaries can successfully play off one section of the bourgeoisie ( as well as competing classes ) against others , domestically or transnationally , in their own interests .
9 Some have gone much further and postulated a grid covering the whole of the Earth 's surface .
10 In many cases local authorities have taken the initial steps and some have gone so far as to form housing associations for the specific purpose of transfer .
11 Some , such as Alan Walker , have gone so far as to argue that ‘ retirement is largely a twentieth century phenomenon ’ , and that ‘ the increasing dependency of elderly people in Britain has been socially engineered in order to facilitate the removal of older workers from the labour force ’ .
12 Indeed , some people have gone so far as to elevate these restrictions on the initial conditions and the parameters to the status of a principle , the anthropic principle , which can be paraphrased as , ‘ Things are as they are because we are .
13 Some translators of the Bible have gone so far as to postpone the main verb until the divine fiat : And God said , Let there be light .
14 Such speeds would seem to be at variance with the shared space concept ; indeed some have gone so far as to suggest eight km/h as a more appropriate maximum consistent with child safety .
15 He indicated that discussion with the privately-run homes have gone very well and warned that there is a danger that homes in the voluntary sector may be left behind in negotiations .
16 I have eaten there once and came away describing it as something not very special .
17 You also ca n't help noticing that attempts to drag the Royal Family into the 20th Century have failed as badly as attempts to do the same for this other great British anachronism .
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