Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the Bristol area , Willses have given donations to Clifton College ( where many of them were educated ) and have also successfully launched an educational experiment at Rendcomb College in Gloucestershire .
2 I have given instructions to Brian Lewis that if members of staff are found trying to abuse this facility he should switch off the lift system entirety .
3 I have heard stories from Rangers fans who were at elland road for the euro tie last year , that the leeds fans applauded the Gers off the pitch at the end of the match .
4 Solihull is one of the forty or more LEAs which , over the past seven years or so , have developed schemes for school self-evaluation ( SSE ) .
5 Problems with mistake have arisen with hire purchase proposal forms where dealers have manipulated figures on proposal forms .
6 Continuing the example of norms of dress , an embarrassed silence , a hoot of derision or a contemptuous stare will make most members of society who have broken norms of dress change into more conventional attire .
7 Police have received complaints from Dons fans about the England B keeper .
8 The North West-based firm Latham Crossley and Davis , says that many funeral directors have received letters from tax consultants and accountants , telling them that they are entitled to partial exemption from VAT under new rules introduced in April this year .
9 We have received representations about capital funding for several schools in west Norfolk .
10 I have received representations from Mr. Higgs , the director general of the Fertiliser Manufacturers Association .
11 We have joined forces with Wolfschmidt Kummel — ‘ the putting mixture ’ — to open the Club to anyone who scores a hole-in-one in a club competition .
12 Several studies have disclosed relations between IgG markers and IgG subclass serum concentrations against particular antigens .
13 Although most studies on the effect of vitamin A supplementation have reported reductions in childhood mortality , the effects on morbidity are less clear .
14 Groups visiting the Station throughout the period have included groups from Inverclyde Business School , Largs Women 's Business Club , Motherwell Probus , IBM Retirees , Glasgow University and Strathclyde University .
15 The floors have carpeted squares with linoleum surrounds and the bedroom furniture is heavy and traditional , generally of dark wood .
16 Using these techniques MacDonald and Wimpey have fused cells of Lycopersicon esculentum with cells of Bos taurus .
17 The cuts in base rates have slashed returns to rock bottom levels of around 5% and investors have decided that shares could present a healthier alternative .
18 The department have fed celebrities from J.B. Priestley to Ken Russell and provided the Princess Royal with tea .
19 And also state that over the years er your father used to run the business done hundreds of jobs for Avon Insurance at , and er also you yourself have done jobs for Avon Insurance before who have never ever had any trouble whatever so ever !
20 I have seen clauses in record contracts which are absolutely meaningless and which I would happily have traded for a defined amount of money for a tour support , video , or promotional commitment .
21 They have seen pictures of Iron Age encampments , but had done very little previous work on the topic before starting on the drama .
22 A report , published yesterday by Alan Bishop , chief inspector of prisons for Scotland , says members of a prisoners ' alcohol abuse group have given talks at secondary schools and have attended meetings of parent-teacher associations and community education committees .
23 We have featured stars like Michael Jackson and will continue to do so . ’
24 JOHN PAUL Defiant : Some of the remaining ‘ new age ’ travellers at the Glen Moriston site who have made claims of police harassment .
25 Wira , and Hatra ) have made surveys of water usage in the trade , and a fairly comprehensive picture is emerging of the processes that use substantial amounts .
26 I have made enquiries about air fares and as Auckland is considerably easier and cheaper than Christchurch , I would like to start the tour from Auckland .
27 While Koch 's helmsmanship and the inconsistent selection of his afterguard have made headlines for yachting writers , it would be a mistake to dismiss him as a rich fool .
28 We have opened discussions with Mr. MacSharry on that , we are pushing the Community for urgency on the zoonoses regulations , and the Commission has before it a proposal to overhaul the meat inspection and meat hygiene directive .
29 We in Lothian have had problems with barrier design , and the best solution I know of is the design enclosed .
30 ROYAL aides have had talks with health officials over the higher-than-average level of cancer-causing radon gas — revealed by our sister paper the Sunday Mirror — in the Balmoral area .
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