Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Concentrations of apatite , magnetite , and base metals ( Notholt and others , 1985 ) have aroused interest from time to time .
2 Ever since the Industrial Revolution created a mass urban society , the conditions of the poorest city dwellers have given rise to anxiety among the better off .
3 Other workers have undertaken TIPSS before closure of a surgical portasystemic shunt in a patient with chronic encephalopathy .
4 Sheila 's lessons have attracted alot of interest from fans of traditional Western films .
5 Since last May many of these same passers-by have come face to face on their TV screens with the agony , desolation and despair of the people of Ethiopia and the Sudan .
6 The Burscough boss believes he can put his finger on why his side can consistently beat opposition from higher leagues , as they have done time after time in the past two years , yet struggle at their own level .
7 Line-up of eight Antonov An-2 biplanes seen recently at Riga Airport , Latvia , all of which have seen service with Aeroflot at some time during their flying careers .
8 Schools and their children have suffered change after change for more than a quarter of a century , especially since the Tories came to power .
9 Morgan , MacDonald and Hilgard ( 1974 ) , for instance , have related hypnosis to mediation by the right hemisphere and Cohen , Rosen and Goldstein ( 1976 ) claimed to show that sexual orgasm in humans is associated with increased amplitude of the wave form over the right but not the left hemisphere .
10 In South Africa the oil embargo coupled to the availability of large reserves of low quality but very cheap coal have made production of oil from coal attractive .
11 We have made mention in passing of mobility within the context of a family 's history : both the ups and down of social mobility according to circumstance , and the more obviously-apparent geographical moves people made to ensure their own survival or to better their lot .
12 It said : ‘ If it becomes known that UK companies have supplied equipment for manufacture of munitions we could truthfully say that when the licences were issued we had no reason to believe that this civilian equipment was for other than general industrial purposes . ’
13 It is far from clear what trait this might be but preliminary experiments ( Berry , 1977 and unpublished ) have shown variation in resistance to desiccation and salinity between banding morphs .
14 In conclusion , we have shown evidence for regulation of methanogenesis by dietary sulphate if sulphate reducing bacteria are present in the colon .
15 The link between awareness of beauty and recognition of the moral good was a fundamental aspect of Plato 's ethical theory , but few writers since Plato have tied awareness of beauty in nature so closely to a deeper notion of the good .
16 In this way it was hoped that informed discussions could be held on how oildevelopments have affected way of life in different parts of Scotland .
17 THE US and EC have reached agreement in principle on common limits for public subsidies to the steel industry on both sides of the Atlantic , based closely on existing Community rules .
18 Your Committee is pleased to report that they have reached agreement in principle with the owner of suitable premises adjoining Bull House , Bull Street , Bishop 's Castle , for their use as the Bishop 's Castle Railway Museum .
19 Both the IPA and the Association of Media Independents have offered research evidence as ammunition for marketing directors pressed to justify their expenditure , which suggests that in the past marketing directors have defended advertising without evidence of its worth .
20 LANCASHIRE fans have swelled demand for membership at Durham county cricket club after Graeme Fowler 's switch to the north-east .
21 improved value for money should be obtained by cutting down on unnecessary procedures , ( e.g. committals , remand hearings ) , strengthening controls on the progress of legally aided proceeding , changing listing practices , and restricting legal aid to solicitors who have demonstrated competence by membership of an appropriate panel ;
22 I have focused attention on identification with the society as being the most characteristic attitude thus expressed by citizens .
23 In Somalia , Sudan , Ethiopia and many other poverty-stricken countries , the brutal violence of local warlords combined with the effects of drought , have brought death by starvation to hundreds of thousands .
24 The validity of this approach has been borne out by other studies combining immunocytochemistry with DNA sequencing that have found accumulation of protein to be invariably associated with the presence of a mutant p53 allele .
25 Millward Brown are pioneers and — to an extent — specialists in tracking studies ( see above ) ; and they have linked information on awareness from these studies to a model of advertising decay rates based on the Adstock concept , developed by Simon Broadbent of Leo Burnett , to develop a model that attempts to link advertising expenditures and awareness to market share .
26 However , many users , and in particular shareholders , financial analysts , employees and trade unions , require and have demanded information in excess of that required by law .
27 Our successful policies of deregulation and privatisation have gone hand in hand with a sustained and growing programme of investment .
28 Tony Underwood , Mullins , Johnson , Back and Greenwood have shown that maturity and commonsense have gone hand in hand in their development .
29 Recorded rates of notified crime have increased year on year by 5.5% on average , and by a massive 16% in 1990–91 .
30 I have defined quality of life for farm animals , or welfare for farm animals elsewhere .
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