Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 We have heard throughout the past year from one Labour Member after another about how their areas of spending have a high priority .
2 Three key staff have resigned in the past year , and there have been frequent complaints that its establishment of 240 is too low .
3 COT deaths in England and Wales have dropped for the third year in succession .
4 Mike can probably come in teen care , but essentially what we have done in the current year , is sell places on teen care where we have needed the income in order to balance our books , .
5 ‘ But we are proud of what we have done in the last year and a half . ’
6 As a result , however , of the market conditions that have applied over the past year the 12 month period of grace has in some cases proved insufficient .
7 We have undergone in the last year a major refurbishment of all our guest and public rooms and now offer the comforts so necessary for a mini-break .
8 I heard that that er er er parts of the rest of the U K property prices have risen over the last year , er but ours have actually not risen at all .
9 Accommodating the exiled Kuwaitis has given a boost to the depressed property market , especially in the Eastern Province , where rents have tripled in the past year .
10 ‘ Of all the products we have evaluated during the last year , Knowledge Adventure 's range of products are the most innovative , enjoyable and most interesting educational/home learning titles yet . ’
11 In Yarislavl the cooperative farms now supply the small private markets that have grown in the past year , the quality and variety of the produce on sale here , clear evidence of the sad truth , that hunger in a place like this is a scandal .
12 All were distinguished members of the Royal Academy and all three have died within the past year .
13 Colleagues , while we 're standing , can I remind you of a number of colleagues of ours who have died in the past year George , national office Dick from Scotland of South Western region Lord from Southern region Julie from Southern region William from national office from Northern region from Birmingham Harry , London regional secretary Grace from London region from Yorkshire region and many many others not mentioned here that have given their energy and their commitment on behalf of the G M B members , we remember them all
14 This project investigates the effects of takeovers and mergers which have occurred in the ten year period from 1975 .
15 I am confident , however , that with the level of commitment you have shown in the past year , WEC will continue to develop successfully in all its markets .
16 Ford 's employees are also wont to point out that their mortgage payments have rocketed over the past year and negotiations will take place against a background in which interest rates seem to be moving in one direction only .
17 Oh the total amount you have spent in the last year .
18 Well I think in common with most local authorities we 've been playing a sort of cat and mouse game with Central Government over the last ten years , where we have attempted to continue to deliver the services that we believe we 've been elected to deliver , and Central Government has been trying to close off what it would see as loopholes and gain control of us and stop us doing what it does n't want us to do , but of course it 's a rather unequal struggle and the cat and mouse analogy is quite a good one in that Central Government has all the power and is able to erm take control of us to the extent now that the budget that both the City and the County Council have set for the coming year has effectively been set by Central Government .
19 His successors , who have presided over the past year 's changes , hoped they too could massage their way to keeping power .
20 If anything , the Windsor Park attendance figures have increased over the past year .
21 Yes , sharemarket volumes have halved and mergers and acquisitions fees have quartered in the past year .
22 But , as they have discovered over the past year , tied agents can be expensive and difficult groups of people to do business with .
23 The Secretary of State has said several times today how proud he is of British Rail 's safety record — a pride which we all share — but that is surely no reason not to look again at the real doubts that have arisen in the past year about manning , the number of hours worked and the quality of some of the new systems of signalling that are being installed .
24 Murders in Moscow have doubled in the last year , still modest totals by US standards , but appalling in a city once acknowledged as the safest capital in the world .
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