Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Before doing so I write to thank you all for the Loyal support and encouragement you have given to me during the past 14 years .
2 Under the special cover we have arranged for you with the Norwich Union , all Insured Persons of any age are covered , and the Policy will cover you should you have to cancel your holiday for certain reasons .
3 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission may , under the Fair Trading Act 1973 , have referred to it by the Director of Fair Trading or a Minister for investigation and report whether a monopoly , as defined , is or is not against the public interest .
4 He said , ‘ Sickness has given me this fortune that this sultan has come to my side , at morn so health and well being have accrued to me from the arrival of this King without retinue .
5 Of course I have looked at it in the past , many , many times .
6 The decision to place Gareth in the care of his grandparents , who have looked after him in the past while his mother was working , was taken by Strathclyde Regional Council 's social work department .
7 We have come through it to the extent that I am north and west Belfast Branch Secretary .
8 I have come across it on the American networks , where all script conferences are attended by a legal-looking chap whose only contribution is to say ’ We do not want to offend any groups ’ from time to time .
9 First-class writers can defy this rule-of-thumb , but anyone else doing so risks alienating readers who have come to them for a particular sort of entertainment .
10 They have come to us from a time before recorded poets .
11 ‘ So many people have said to me over the years that it is very sad I never bore Norman a child , that I only ever had stepchildren to love .
12 During the last Employment Question Time , the hon. Gentleman asked me about job clubs in his constituency , and I have written to him about the matter .
13 THANK you to the great many readers who have written to me in the past couple of weeks about the Royals .
14 Erm what are the kind of comments that people have made to you about the flats ?
15 All these movements have had before them as a model the existing nation states , and have been influenced by nationalist ideas already formulated and widely disseminated .
16 After carrying out a survey of the number of people who have died of it over the past three years , COHSE 's Scottish regional officer , Jim Devine , said the union believed many low-paid workers and pensioners were forced to make a choice between eating and heating .
17 Thank you , QP , for all the kindness you have shown to me over the time of my mother 's illness and death .
18 The hotel leaflet ends a few paragraphs on : ‘ The Newton has had many celebrities who have stayed with us over the years , including the late Harold Macmillan and Charlie Chaplin … ’
19 Played in English on a steeply-rigged stage in a shabby hall , this revival packs a pulverising punch , the most gripping account I have experienced of it over the years .
20 Try looking at people , objects and places as if you are seeing them for the first time without being influenced by what you have known about them in the past .
21 Keane , who is being pursued by Liverpool , Manchester United , Arsenal and Blackburn , admitted : ‘ Forest have spoken to me about a long-term contract , but I do n't want to get to the point where I am arguing over details and money .
22 But some critics , and a number of ordinary viewers who have spoken to me about the show , feel rather uneasy .
23 ‘ I think the handicapped have every right to go along Skinnergate and High Row , ’ he said , ‘ They have gone along it since the year dot . ’
24 Before the new names can go in the pot , the ones that have remained in it for the two years have to come out so , after a brief introduction by the chairman of the trustees and the vicar , the three keyholders leave the room to go next door to the church where the chest is kept .
25 These were the seductive amusements of my youth : they have clung to me through a long life , and they are now the solace of my old age . ’
26 erm , I like to talk , so he 's wound down , you know , really sleepy , comes to bed , and I 'm like , that 's when I wind down by chatting away and saying , you know , little snippets of things that have happened to you during the day , and he 's just like , oh , shut up , go to sleep , you know .
27 One of the marvellous things about this record is that there 's so many references to all sorts of things that have happened to us over the last couple of years .
28 Those who have worked with him during the time that he has been in his present post have come to admire the hard work , courage and assiduity with which he has pursued the object of bringing the parties within the island of Ireland to sit down with the British Government and resolve their differences .
29 To achieve the rank of finalist is not only an honour for himself but he feels that it is shared with those who have worked with him in the team .
30 Water 's gone under the bridge since then be fair did not perform well there 's no question about it and we have worked with her in the field erm she was n't she was n't brilliant
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