Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [noun] with [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The floors have carpeted squares with linoleum surrounds and the bedroom furniture is heavy and traditional , generally of dark wood .
2 The central roundel is enclosed by an octagon framed by the squares , whilst , of the four subsidiary roundels , two have stylised dahlia with guilloche knots at their centres , and two have stylised lotus flowers with chequers .
3 We in Lothian have had problems with barrier design , and the best solution I know of is the design enclosed .
4 ROYAL aides have had talks with health officials over the higher-than-average level of cancer-causing radon gas — revealed by our sister paper the Sunday Mirror — in the Balmoral area .
5 In the course of trying to identify therapeutic agents for this disease two recent studies have shown benefit with bismuth preparations .
6 David Chell and chef Peter Marshall have weaved wonders with wine list and menu and our post-potation luncheon was testimony to their skills .
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