Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [noun] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have given thanks for the brave and selfless work done by many British men and women who face dangerous circumstances every day .
2 In addition to Desulfobacter and Desulfovibrio , we have included data for the dissimilatory Fe(III) reducers Geobacter and Shewanella .
3 Three of the Queensland team — Mark Catchpole , Brett Johnstone and Brenton Fielke , all of whom were in Dubai — have won selection for the Australian side for the tournament in Fiji this weekend , as the XV-a-side world champions continue to experiment with Hong Kong and Murrayfield in mind .
4 Their heads have decorated pikes for the common cry of curs to snap and growl at . ’
5 So far we have considered reasons for the general increase in local government expenditure over the years .
6 Hebrew letters might , therefore , have undergone differentiation for the former group and would certainly have become involved in some associations .
7 But , even when we have made allowance for the exaggerated impressions of a boy of fifteen , recollected many years later , it may be taken as evidence that Lanfranc and his handful of monks from Bec and Caen met not only with hostility , but also with a good deal of successful resistance .
8 I have made it clear that we have made decisions for the future structure of the Army that will result in a higher proportion of the Army overall being drawn from Scotland — I imagine that the hon. Gentleman will welcome that .
9 The actions of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister , when he was responsible for such matters , together with our recent announcement , have made arrangements for the coming winter much more generous .
10 Some are just three days in head office and straight into assignments because they feel that er we have selected individuals for the right environment .
11 Analyses of science teaching ( see reference 6 ) have shown tendencies for the preferred style to be subject-dependent but with a great range within each subject .
12 To all ticket holders and teachers who have sold tickets for the postponed Redhill Rally please note it will now be held on 30th January .
13 Parishioners at the Holy Family Church in Cockerton , Darlington , have raised £250 for the Romanian Mattress Appeal .
14 In Scotland , where such initiatives have been centrally funded by the Scottish Office , many hospitals have introduced phlebotomists for the first time .
15 He added : ‘ The Emirates have provided funding for the French to develop a special version of their Leclerc tank equipped with an MTU engine , similar to that used in the Leopard 2 .
16 I assure the hon. Gentleman that since we have been in office we have increased expenditure for the Cumbrian police authority by 80 per cent .
17 We have increased funding for the cardiac services this year by a quarter bringing the total to £20 million .
18 Business studies have taken precedence for the 25-year-old Stokesley sprinter thus far into the season , but she steps belatedly on to the Olympic trail at Stanley Park on Sunday .
19 ‘ I have tabled questions for the European Parliament in an attempt to build on these assurances and I am now more confident than ever that Merseyside will get the cash it deserves .
20 Last winter 's storm damage pay outs have battered profits for the big insurance companies , and that threatens to push up house cover premiums .
21 Last winter 's storm damage pay-outs have battered profits for the big insurance companies , threatening to push up house cover premiums ; half-year profits for Sun Alliance show the firm £190,000,000 in the red , compared with 191,000,000 in profit at the same time last year .
22 To answer this question we have constructed figures for the advanced capitalist countries ' rate of profit ( a weighted average of the best estimates available for the seven biggest capitalist countries ) .
23 It is after they have lost control for the second or third time that the real difficulties appear .
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