Example sentences of "have [noun pl] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is noted for its high proportion of ex-civil servants : ‘ They are young chaps who by and large have contacts in the Civil Service and have a jolly good grounding of how the system works , ’ he says .
2 And one of their main components was human excrement , since few houses have toilets in the poorer zones .
3 We shall look at this very carefully and have discussions with the current owners and with everybody on the island before anything is decided .
4 Let ministers of local churches have copies as a good exercise in public relations and also just in case they have new members of their flock inquiring about schools in the area .
5 ‘ Those who can , have houses outside the walled city .
6 These spreads are attractive to traders who have views on the relative movement of the prices of two different futures , but are unable to forecast movements in the price level of either future .
7 The windows have views over the medieval roofs of the historic and picturesque town of Rye .
8 ‘ The Queen , the Queen Mother , Prince Charles , Prince Andrew — even Anne and Philip — all have planets in the same area of the zodiac , ’ she says .
9 School beckons but they do n't go , preferring instead to hustle girls , steal records and have run-ins with the local Puerto Rican gang .
10 In addition , Coltheart ( 1985 ) argues that other patients have impairments to the assembled phonology system .
11 We also have vacancies on the following project teams :
12 Many nursing studies departments have tutors with a specific remit for assisting nurses with their postbasic education , and they are usually very happy to provide assistance and advice to nurses currently in practice .
13 Even today there are those who have doubts about the great burst of prosperity and splendour in the first half of the fourth century manifest in the great villas .
14 Finally , if my readers still have doubts about the general drift of my argument , let me ask them how else we are to explain why modern revolutionary movements which always aim to free those who believe in them always end by enslaving them ?
15 Many have shops on the lower floor .
16 The early fossil bony fish have tails with the long blade uppermost , whereas the more advanced living bony fish have a tail that is symmetrical , and more effective in producing a horizontal thrust .
17 Scholars studying popular culture have paid close attention to crafts , recognizing occupational traditions and customs that have origins in the middle ages .
18 The nearest neighbours of Ben Nevis , Carn Mor Dearg and Aonach Beag , both have summits above the 4000 mark ; to another of the group , Aonach Mor , the Ordnance Survey rather churlishly ascribes a height of 3999 only , a tribute to their meticulous accuracy but a pity they could not have permitted themselves a slight error of twelve inches .
19 It 's a bit hard , it seems to me , where you have areas with a favourable population structure erm who are not willing to back up those with an unfavourable , with a lot of elderly people who perhaps need greater aid .
20 Six hours of daylight is claimed to give 12 hours of night time light , but of course these cast a soft diffused light rather than a beam you can direct creatively like a spotlight , and they have limitations during the dull days of a typical British winter .
21 Police have descriptions of the two conmen .
22 But its decisions also have implications for an international debate on the frontiers of medical science , morality , government action and individual privacy .
23 Beyond these direct consequences such labs have implications for the long term development of the host-country 's scientific capacity and capability .
24 The points I have endeavoured to make regarding the scope of orders that can be made under section 6(2) have implications for the present case .
25 The intention of the Merger Regulation was to introduce a ‘ one-stop , merger control , described by Commissioner Sir Leon Brittan as a ‘ system whereby , in the case of smaller mergers , they would be subject only to national regulation … while in the case of the really large mergers which have implications for the whole Community , the European Commission would have the power to intervene , and companies would not normally need to be concerned about the national regulatory authorities ’ .
26 The losses and degradation of wildlife habitat have implications in a wider context than the UK alone ; heather moorlands , many upland broadleaved and Caledonian pinewoods , and some of the individual species dependent on these habitats , are of significance in a European context .
27 Male homosexuals frequently have warts around the anal margin and in some cases these extend up into the anal canal itself .
28 The modules in each sub-group have been written generically and have applications to a wide range of games and sports , aquatics , outdoor pursuits and dance forms .
29 Nelson wrote ‘ I have applications from the different line of battle ships for surveys on most of their sails and running rigging which can not be complied with as there is neither cordage nor sails to replace the unserviceable stores and therefore the evil must be combated in the best manner possible . ’
30 Individuals attach different values to different rewards and have expectations about the likely outcomes of effort and rewards .
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