Example sentences of "have [adv] [adv] been [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Pattern recognition techniques that have most often been applied to script include spatial analysis methods ( where strokes are coded by a numbering system on a grid ) which are easy to implement but are only suitable for unconnected characters , and will be user dependent in order to keep the database of character codings small and accuracy high .
2 Quality Circles have received a lot of attention in the media over the last three years but , in general , studies of Circles have so far been limited to subjective analysis by interested parties .
3 Even if the contribution of bronchial asthma to cause of death is interpreted generously — for example , part I of the death certificate states death from asthma and part II states chronic obstructive airways disease — only 63 of 100 deaths have so far been found to be attributable to asthma .
4 Prizes for painting have so far been awarded to de Kooning and Hockney ( jointly ) , to Tàpies , Balthus and this year to Soulages ; in sculpture Mastroianni , Pomodoro , Chillida and this year Caro ( did Signor Fanfani think Caro a third Italian , I wonder ? ) .
5 I understand that these applications have only just been submitted to Midlothian District Council as the local planning authority and I have to advise you that it would not be appropriate for Regional Council officials to comment publicly at this stage .
6 Since 1948 , for example , the elderly have no longer been deemed to be the financial responsibility of their adult children or grandchildren .
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