Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 White people with money have all moved to the suburbs .
2 The sale of council houses and flats , the soaring costs of capital projects in the 1980s , the loss of accommodation provided directly by employers ( for example , farmers and hoteliers ) , the increasing need for single-person or small-number occupancy dwellings for young people and small family units , have all added to the numbers of people without a home of their own .
3 I have personally written to the chairmen of the country 's 100 largest companies urging them to regard prompt payment as a matter of best practice .
4 We have already referred to the problems of co-ordination in organisations individuals and groups within the organisation need to identify with the objectives of the project .
5 However , I have already referred to the views of Doctor David of the quality of the parent 's care while the patient was in Hinchinbrook .
6 I have already referred to the findings and the reasons given by the justices at the time that they announced their decision on 28 January 1992 .
7 Mr Hall said : ‘ I have already complained to the authorities about sightseers .
8 As for the to infinitive , we have already alluded to the impressions associated with its use after have + direct object with regard to ( 1a ) — ( 1b ) above .
9 If you want to make the point you can add that you have already spoken to the Personnel Department about pay and conditions .
10 Few people have not woken to the sounds of the dawn chorus nor seen moths drawn to artificial lights as daylight fades .
11 The moments she calls quality time have always belonged to the boys .
12 This facet of the culture is perhaps the reason why the British administrative and academic élites have obliquely indicated to the police that they do not consider them fit to be allowed to take charge of police research .
13 I assure the House that , in all the speeches that I have made at police meetings and conferences this year , I have repeatedly stressed to the police that I want them to give this type of crime high priority .
14 ‘ I have now written to the Rates Agency explaining the mistake and the bill will be discharged . ’
15 I have carefully considered all the comments submitted and I have today written to the sponsors of the applications separately , setting out my decisions .
16 In an apparent non sequitur , the speaker added : ‘ They 've got intransigent problems , but so far they have n't succumbed to the blandishments of the communists ; that 's why the west pours money in ’ .
17 I 'm afraid I 've had no exercise cos I have n't walked to the shops .
18 One might take the views of the promoters of a Bill as an indication of the intention of Parliament but any view the promoters may have about the questions which later come before the court will not often appear in Hansard and often those questions have never occurred to the promoters .
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