Example sentences of "have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have since worked as a staff nurse for a number of years and , with Project 2000 coming on stream , felt that the nurse education system would have improved .
2 I have mostly worked as a researcher , writer or teacher .
3 We have successfully pressed for an EC ban on the importation of baby seal products and of furs from those countries which permit leghold traps .
4 We have successfully come through a war .
5 Services for people who drink alcohol to excess or who misuse drugs have long suffered from a lack of clarity about what the exact nature of the problem is .
6 Lessons have been learned , but conservationists have long campaigned for a rethink .
7 Blairgowrie , Largs and Aberdeen have all applied to An Comunn Gaidhealach to stage the event .
8 You , Prime Minister Calfa and Labour Minister Miller have all called for a type of social contract in this transition period .
9 The words discussed so far in this chapter have all consisted of a stem plus an affix .
10 ‘ The graphics have all merged into a worm .
11 These have all contributed to a growth in campaign spending .
12 The weather , geography , altitude , geology and the vegetation of both the surrounding land and wet environment have all attributed to an animals evolution over thousands of year .
13 Have all disappeared like a cloud of steam .
14 The Dart Valley Light Railway plc have , therefore , decided on a new policy for the future which it feels will keep faith with the Volunteer Association Members who are keen to develop and maintain the Buckfast-Totnes line as a typical GWR branch line operating as a non-profit making charitable trust and at the same time to satisfy its shareholders who have patiently waited for a dividend for many years .
15 I have personally pushed through a restructuring along these lines of the degree for which I am responsible … comprising eight subjects .
16 Now they have finally agreed to an Ulster Branch request for an evening fixture and will fly into the province immediately after wrapping up the English part of their trip on the previous Wednesday .
17 Staff in such hospitals have become increasingly demoralized by criticism and standards have easily declined as a result .
18 erm That 's one point , the other point is of course , we have already targeted of course in working with the groups that we 've defined as erm ones whose health status is at risk in effect , so this is a supplement , this is actually translating those targets we have already defined into a locality planning exercise .
19 The plans have already led to a number of Farnham Lane residents and others interested in protecting the track — which is believed to pre-date Roman times — to object to the reclassification scheme .
20 Groups demanding an autonomous Sikh state have already called for a boycott of the elections .
21 Languages have already featured in a number of HNCs and HNDs developed as part of the Advanced Courses Development Programme .
22 Some of the best known Western academicians have already resigned as a mark of protest , including the painters Gotthard Graubner , Markus Lüpertz , and Gerhard Richter .
23 The parents of Allitt 's victims have already failed in a court bid to force a public inquiry .
24 I just thought of it as learning what other people have already thought of a subject … physics seemed so much more dynamic somehow .
25 Most of which I know some of them have already come to an end like Julie 's E S
26 Over the past 10 years we have already come from a situation where road runners were getting virtually nothing from the sport , to a far more respected and well-provided role . ’
27 This is in line with the company 's efforts to raise its public image which have already resulted in a survey of client satisfaction , increased press coverage , the production of new marketing materials and a new house style .
28 The ISVA form provides for the review procedure to be by way of arbitration , unless the parties have already agreed on an expert .
29 The chub take slugs absolutely savagely , as though they have not fed for a week and their very lives depend on seizing that particular specimen .
30 Thus to bar from the courts data that have not appeared in a peer reviewed journal could be foolhardy .
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