Example sentences of "have [adv] [be] [vb pp] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government claims that 10,000 miners have already been put on buses to their place of origin .
2 It was also agreed that the same card could be used to operate the locks which have already been installed on doors within the foyer , although not so far activated .
3 Examples of the latter have already been introduced on PEPs by Fidelity and Gartmore .
4 Like all Jerome Russell products , Spray-in-Highlights have not been tested on animals .
5 But recovery also brought its lessons , and these have not been lost on posterity either .
6 There are obvious attractions in affording the Registrar an additional weapon in the form of a penalty recoverable by civil suit to which there is no defence once it is shown that accounts have not been delivered on time .
7 ‘ Others have not been getting initial appointments and have not been put on waiting lists because they are so long .
8 The shelter sees many dogs which have just been dumped on Dartmoor — a favourite spot for ‘ losing ’ pets , as the wilderness has few witnesses .
9 We 've got three at home and three away , but I always say that not many games have ever been won on paper , and I still think we 've got a great chance . ’
10 First , the analogy itself is rather stretched since many local government services , particularly in education and welfare , unlike those delivered by central government ( for example , through social security ) , have always been based on discretion and variation between individuals and not on standardization in accordance with clearly identified rules .
11 Soviet cultural initiatives have traditionally been focused on Mexico , but in recent years Soviet musicians and dancers have toured in other parts of Latin America , often with spectacular success .
12 ‘ Stones have also been piled on top of them making them far more difficult to see . ’
13 On the other hand , indirect taxes have also been criticized on welfare grounds for being regressive , the element of indirect tax embodied in commodity prices taking a higher proportion of the income from lower-paid groups .
14 I have also been interviewed on trains and on a cross-channel ferry about my travel habits .
15 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
16 For some of the bronzes , lead isotope ratios have now been obtained on lead extracted from the samples , and from two lead ore samples from the Benue Rift .
17 The chief officers of the Florentine Soprintendenza , Antonio Paolucci and Paolo Mazzoni , together with Emma Micheletti and Angelo Calvani , Paolo Cappelletti and Paolo D'Elia , charged last February with causing criminal damage to the national heritage by laying new paving in the Piazza della Signoria , have now been cleared on appeal ( see The Art Newspaper no.17 , April 1992 , p.15 ) .
18 Structural studies by TOF-SARS have mainly been done on monocrystalline surfaces .
19 The real problems start when the hypnotist regresses a patient back to ‘ previous lives ’ which have supposedly been lived on earth or on another planet .
20 All packaging is recyclable , the ingredients are bio-degradable and have n't been tested on animals .
21 These were initially in volume ( i.e. real opportunity cost ) terms , but since 1976 management techniques have increasingly been based on cash , i.e. what has to be paid out at current prices .
22 Not every reader of his book can have come to it believing the chauvinistic claims that have sometimes been issued on behalf both of psychoanalysis and of oral history , or prepared to believe that these pursuits could be successfully combined .
23 However , no experiments have yet been done on humans , so it might be best , for now , to keep a diary for your anniversaries .
24 Several newspapers have pursued the allegations against Mr Bush but have not published them because they have never found any supporting evidence , although rumours have occasionally been aired on radio and television .
25 Rank and file members have never been consulted on support for this organisation , maintained Mr Hunter and recent research amongst the membership showed a substantial hostility to NALGO 's continued affiliation to the NAC , which among its disgraceful policies , calls for the destruction of the disabled by resort to eugenic abortion .
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