Example sentences of "have [pron] [to-vb] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The second reason is a nagging doubt that perhaps we are researching fictions of our own making ; that is , we are producing theories about experimental subjects in laboratory situations which have nothing to do with the individual in society .
2 With people who 'd be have nothing to do with the music business or just you know it 's just the social er the social life you know .
3 Bats may even use the sensations that we call colour for their own purposes , to represent differences in the world out there that have nothing to do with the physics of wavelength , but which play a functional role , for the bat , similar to the role that colours play to us .
4 But these abuses and reforms have nothing to do with the order made by Buckley J. in the present proceedings .
5 Molly , Edith ( Harlow ) and I were talking about the Medauring in Germany started by Sofie Trappe , and I said we ought to form a group in England — Molly 's reaction was ‘ that 's fine Andy so long as I have nothing to do with the organisation ’ … so that year we formed the Studio Club .
6 But just as the policy determinants of welfare are multiple , and sometimes unexpected , so individuals ' welfare is influenced by phenomena that have nothing to do with the activity of the state .
7 Now you 're always making a balance in developing drugs and I have nothing to do with the drug industry , I 'm a G P , you have a balance between trying to move things forward to get people better and on the other hand making sure that you 're not going to do them any great harm .
8 In this Court we have nothing to do with the question of whether the legislature has or has not done what foreign powers may consider a usurpation in a question with them .
9 They are at the expense of people who have nothing to do with the production or consumption of a product — but who end up paying the costs .
10 They show that those tests have nothing to do with the amount spent per pupil in individual authority areas — some of the biggest spenders were right down at the bottom .
11 Hence Costello , The Triffids , The Go-Betweens … well , we 're thoroughly partial to all of them , but strongly suspect that they have nothing to do with the rupture , the indecency of pop .
12 environmental constraints if the organization is big enough to qualify as strategic , and I am really concerned about the planning er application in which I know that Da Professor Lock is interested that I think developments of that scale have nothing to do with the employment needs of the district , that they would in fact involve bringing in large numbers of people from other areas who as I have said before , might appreciate jobs nearer their present places of employment , and it would also unbalance the Harrogate housing market and put on pressure for more land to be taken in and around Harrogate for housing for the people who 'd come to that development .
13 ‘ The Death of the Lion ’ , ‘ The private Life ’ and ‘ The Birthplace ’ all illustrate that the creation and reading of literature have nothing to do with the author as a real person , and that literature exists quite independently of the author 's particular circumstances and personality .
14 They have nothing to do with the length of the notes ; that 's a fallacy , and let anyone who teaches this in an academy be turned out as a misleader of the people !
15 It was asked , how do we respond when what appears to most commentators to be a profitable plant is closed on the basis of criteria that have nothing to do with the plant itself ?
16 ‘ What have I to do with the Zikr ? ’
17 ‘ But I can tell you this , Ranulf , even though I have n't a shred of evidence , I believe the deaths of those two young people have something to do with the murder of Lady Eleanor Belmont . ’
18 I am not an expert , but does that question have something to do with the menopause ?
19 ‘ Would this request from London have anything to do with the package and report I sent them , which never arrived because it was intercepted right here in this office ? ’
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