Example sentences of "have [be] [verb] [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Harp Lager have been trying to attract English horses and although this is never easy I 'm sure that if the right money was available , then the barriers would come down .
2 We have been trying to breed Red Pandas for some time but they are very difficult .
3 Wherever possible , statistics have been cited to condense general changes which cover long periods .
4 Similarly , at various times nationalized industries have been instructed to pursue social objectives or to help implement incomes policy by holding their price increases to less than the general inflation rate .
5 The government is becoming aware of the threat and songs have been composed to educate rural women farmers on the use of fertilizers , pesticides and food storage in order that they can increase production .
6 Clients under pressure have been tempted to take short cuts in the hope that , when demand picks up again , they will be able to cover up their tracks .
7 The no-neutrino results have been achieved using magnetic spectrometers .
8 Numerous experiments have been conducted involving different variations of the principles .
9 But for some Japan has been ‘ a little bit of a struggle ’ this year , and its problems have been seen to affect other markets in the region .
10 You have been asked to prepare short entries about the Jingo and the Spiggy .
11 All too often , conservators have been asked to make important decisions affecting the state of a work of art without informed comment from other specialists .
12 For more than a decade , Lloyd 's has been riven by scandals of various kinds ; professionals employed to assess the riskiness of insured risks and apportion them among the rich risk-takers have been discovered to have salted funds away on their own account .
13 Children in the Faroe Islands have been discovered to have alarmingly-high levels of mercury present in their tissues , apparently as a result of their mothers consuming meat from pilot whales during pregnancy .
14 Although tools have been developed allowing trained users to perform analysis quickly the process is demanding .
15 Most products have been developed to suit general needs or niche needs .
16 Many attempts have been made to classify British cattle breeds on the basis of ancestry and these categories are often based on obvious physical characteristics such as horns and coat colour .
17 Few serious attempts have been made to devise diagnostic tests in reading and number for the purpose of indicating relative attainment of learners .
18 At various times proposals have been made to give local authorities general enabling powers akin to those of continental authorities — power to do anything not forbidden them .
19 Data compression is so vital to the future of information media that considerable international efforts have been made to create global standards governing the way in which compression is handled .
20 Attempts have been made to compare various tests and to examine their reliability and validity .
21 Some other general qualities of schizophrenia can be appreciated by examining attempts that have been made to identify various subtypes .
22 Neighbourhood Watch A neighbourhood watch has been established on Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue , Mrs. Moug has agreed to inaugurate a scheme in Baberton Crescent and preliminary moves have been made to encourage other parts of the village to participate .
23 Neighbourhood Watch A neighbourhood watch has been established on Foulis Crescent and Woodhall Avenue , Mrs. Moug has agreed to inaugurate a scheme in Baberton Crescent and preliminary moves have been made to encourage other parts of the village to participate .
24 The fact that public organisations have been created to serve collective ends in the polity , rather than individual demands in the market place , constrains managerial freedom of action .
25 In the modern age , institutions outside the family have been created to administer public affairs and women were for a long time expressly excluded .
26 Numerous ad hoc bodies have been created to run specific functions such as broadcasting and television , the ports , industrial training schemes and the administration of government property .
27 A variety of methods have been employed to dissuade unauthorized personnel ; from security staff permanently on guard to the introduction of special locks and interlocks which close down equipment movement in the event of any irregularity .
28 The dynamic and static aspects have been implemented using different models which are weakly integrated .
29 The teams of volunteers have been formed to counter gay-bashing attacks .
30 Of the initiatives which have been undertaken to enable would-be teachers to better understand the nature of children , that pioneered by Frank Coles ( and latterly by Roger Tingle ) at the Urban Studies Centre , Poplar , East London , is perhaps one of the most significant .
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