Example sentences of "have [verb] their [noun sg] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I know some people have felt so miserable they have seen their doctor for some medicine and have been told that the fumes are the likely cause of their symptoms .
2 ‘ A lot of the credit for that goes not only to the photographers themselves who have argued their case for greater prominence , but a great debt is owed to people like the editor Harold Evans who pioneered the creative use of photography in papers .
3 Other kinds of bivalves have used their capacity for free movement to the utmost by becoming efficient swimmers , clapping their valves together like castanets to move through the sea to find new feeding grounds or to escape the threat of predators .
4 A Foreign Office statement of June 6 said that any " improved relations " had to be preceded by " convincing evidence that the Libyans have renounced their support for international terrorism , including the IRA [ Irish Republican Army ] " and Libyan co-operation in bringing Fletcher 's murderers to justice .
5 Astonishingly , Haguellar and former players Francois Jauffrett ( now the National Tennis Director ) , Erik Deblicker and Jean Claude Massias have achieved their success for French tennis in just 12 months , using the talent that was already available to them .
6 Its directors have expressed their enthusiasm for European integration and have established a network of contacts and agreements with other countries , setting up new types of collaboration and programmes for joint and travelling exhibitions .
7 Over the years , Liberty have maintained their reputation for Afghan and Persian carpets despite tough competition .
8 Drink drive campaigners have renewed their call for random breath tests following the release of figures for the police 's Christmas and New Year campaign .
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