Example sentences of "have [verb] [pers pn] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Precisely because Stars & Stripes can not match the speed of Kanza and America , Conner 's designers have optimised her for a narrow light air band of 5–8 knots .
2 They have treated it as a cheap option , giving workers a minimum training and offering them the minimum resources and telling them to get on with it — basically because that 's good enough for the poor .
3 While commentators have dismissed her as a serious contender , those who worked intimately with the Prince and watched Mountbatten 's machinations at first-hand were convinced that marriage between Prince Charles and Amanda Knatchbull was a virtual certainty .
4 IN THE course of our lives , events take place , with which the passage of time , we come to realise are like milestones ; they have pointed us in a new direction , often posing a challenge which in the providence of God , when accepted , leads us deeper into his life and service .
5 If you have to acquire it as a new one , it 's
6 In our answer to question 4 we have included it as a current account balance in order to reduce Susan 's exposure vis-a -vis Bob .
7 You have to catch it on a certain place
8 The wording with which section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957 introduced diminished responsibility is rather unsatisfactory , but judges , counsel , doctors , and juries have approached it with a compassionate pragmatism rather than with the rarefied verbal analysis too frequently encountered in English criminal law .
9 Kangaroos have the same need to move rapidly , but they have done it in a different way .
10 Some have seen them as a fine declaration of faith , but they are not .
11 In effect , we have presented you with a prime site , and it 's up to you to decide what you want to do with it .
12 The château was empty , almost derelict , and they have turned it into a small hotel and restaurant .
13 ‘ I have moved it to a small paddock beyond the castle walls . ’
14 and as he 's done that the mates behind him have shot him with a real gun , his gone , his gone
15 Having decided to show all the four seasons in one picture ( as opposed to other occasions when I have made them as a matching set of four separate pictures ) , I had to find a mount that would blend well with all the seasons and colours , so chose an earthy brown .
16 Some people have had them with a solid roof
17 ‘ Twice you have surprised me within a few minutes , Mr. Preston .
18 Instead of sticking a jar of coffee in front of your face and saying ‘ Buy this , drink this ’ , they have drawn you into a whole lifestyle . ’
19 With much love and labour , they have transformed it into a beautiful home which they are now pleased to share with their guests .
20 If you 're going to complain , you have to do it within a reasonable time and in writing .
21 Bonar Law has usually received a bad press from historians , who have portrayed him as a hard , dour , humourless fanatic .
22 It was an occasion filled with memories of a life time in the carpet business , highlighted with speeches by Ralph Ellis , Rod Turnbull , Steve Higgins and from customers who have known him for a long time .
23 You have to read it in a certain way .
24 The low waters of this summer have provided us with a superb opportunity for fish spotting and also for mapping the contours of the river bed .
25 Men have provided us with a false picture of the world … not just because their view is so limited , but because they have insisted that their limited view is the total view .
26 I learned Dimac from a lama in Tibet and my hands are so deadly that I have to keep them in a locked closet when they 're not in use .
27 Technical yeah the technical people but you have to ensure do n't you that with with your audience that you understand who they are but if you do n't then you have to keep it to a common denominator .
28 I have followed him for a long time and his work just gets better and better .
29 ‘ I do n't care if we have to release it as a non-profit-making single .
30 Many of Voight 's films have cast him as a none-too-bright but likeable hunk .
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