Example sentences of "have never [vb pp] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The churches have never objected to the existence of the vocational schools since their establishment in the early 1930s .
2 I have never suggested to the media that anybody goes on a programme , unless I know that it will be good radio or good television .
3 We half expected them to come back a few days later , but they have never returned to the barn we prepared so painstakingly for them , although they are still sometimes seen in the vicinity .
4 But then , I have never subscribed to the myth that wisdom accompanies old age . ’
5 I have never subscribed to the view that schooldays are the happiest days of your life , but I do think that student days are among the happiest .
6 One might take the views of the promoters of a Bill as an indication of the intention of Parliament but any view the promoters may have about the questions which later come before the court will not often appear in Hansard and often those questions have never occurred to the promoters .
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