Example sentences of "have been [verb] up by [art] " in BNC.

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1 Historical documentation in this field becomes more scarce as the emphasis moves towards other aspects of social organization , despite the highly influential work of the French historian Braudel , whose books ( e.g. 1981 ) include lengthy accounts of patterns of consumption in food , textiles and housing , which have been followed up by the Annales school of historians ( see also Elias 1978 ; Sombart 1967 for alternative traditions ) .
2 She arrived in a big BMW of the type the East End villains drive now that all the old Jags have been bought up by the TV stations to make cops and robbers series .
3 The implementation of an appraisal scheme , and pilot studies to develop the details , have been held up by the drawn out teachers ' dispute .
4 Centres for teaching English as a second language ( CE2L ) are separate schools that have been set up by a few LEAs .
5 The board have been set up by the Countryside Commission , West and East Sussex Country Councils and the 11 borough and district councils in the area .
6 A number of working groups have been set up by the Council to look at these matters , but the truth is that the whole curriculum approach is rendered horrendously difficult by the subject structure and by the inevitable fact that the various subject working party reports are coming on stream over a period of at least four to five years .
7 Our own central social services inspectorate will be not only carrying out its own inspections , but also checking on the quality and systems of the arm's-length inspectorates that have been set up by the local authorities .
8 We have recently moved to an area of Norfolk that is infested with holiday homes : our village is rendered lifeless for half the year , and local people find it impossible to afford homes because prices have been forced up by the greater buying power of outsiders .
9 A number of significant problems for the distinction between anaphora and discourse deixis have been thrown up by the very considerable body of work on pronominalization ( see Lyons , 1977b ; Lyons , 1977a : 662ff for a review ; and for recent work , see e.g. Heny & Schnelle , 1979 ) .
10 Far from focusing more tightly on issues , many of the Ham & High 's key stories have been taken up by the nationals .
11 These proposals have been taken up by the public transport pressure group Transport 2000 in a campaign , launched in 1988 , called ‘ Feet First ’ .
12 The Fraternity was disbanded , but many of its ideas and methods have been taken up by the new women 's organizations formed in the 1970s .
13 The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution , which has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang .
14 Darlington businesses have been wound up by the High Court in London .
15 Plans to charge businesses for the pollution of Britain 's waterways have been drawn up by the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) for implementation in July .
16 The results have been backed up by the Medical Research Council and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund .
17 The housewives and small restaurateurs who rely upon the professional skill of charcutiers and pâtissiers for a part of their supplies see to it that the pâtés and sausages , the little salads for hors-d'oeuvre , the galantines and terrines and fish quenelles , the hams and tongues and pies , pastries and fruit flans , the petits fours and the croissants maintain high standards of freshness and excellence , and that any popular regional speciality of the district continues to be cooked with the right and proper traditional ingredients , even if the methods have been speeded up by the introduction of modern machinery .
18 It 's worth mentioning too , that during the year , er , Dr Tim , the general practitioner , who is seconded with er , Social Services , has been doing work on hospital discharge , making sure that the arrangements are , are working , and his reports have been picked up by the respective authorities , and , er , there has er , a sort of action plan has been put together , which is , which is intended to try to improve the er , existing hospital discharge arr arrangement , making sure that people are discharged from hospital and that the er , right type of care is available for them in , in the community .
19 No , nor had I , but anyone who has ever lost young fish when they have been mashed up by an impeller , or lost the impeller itself when it has become fouled by a hard foreign body , will appreciate the advantages .
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