Example sentences of "have not [vb pp] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have not undertaken a review of NIE plc 's purchases of generation and I am not in a position to comment on the relative costs of the various options .
2 According to a MORI poll , the majority of people have not grasped the realities of air pollution nor how they can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases .
3 Er that is that at least three of the articles are talking to quoting different organisations er suggested that the playhouse theatre trust had been recommended to do something about their marketing er a at least two years ago if not longer ago erm certainly it 's my knowledge er they have not employed specialists to that they have not employed a specialist to that indeed since the last er appointed publicity officer left , that person that post has not been er refilled er could I ask the theatre trust why they have chosen not taken that recommendation seriously ?
4 The Video Recordings Act 1984 was intended to outlaw the ‘ video nasties ’ which were causing such a panic at the time , by making it illegal to distribute films on video which have not received a certificate from the British Board of Film Classification .
5 Yet the Third World countries that these genes came from have not received a cent for them .
6 To those in Rome who had trusted Christ alone for salvation the Apostle Paul wrote ‘ Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba , Father .
7 We have not received the report of the social policy research unit at York , but when we do we will publish it urgently .
8 Fortunately , these intrusive attempts to ‘ animate the imagination ’ have not governed the hanging of the remainder of the Gallery 's collection of Renaissance to Modern Western art .
9 Something they have not developed a liking for yet is prints by the German Expressionists and their successors , the artists of the Neue Sachlichkeit such as Beckmann and Grosz .
10 You are not at your home , you have not crossed a bridge in Berlin … you are in Mordovia , in a Strict Regime camp .
11 He was off the field throughout the second day having treatment for a pulled thigh muscle , but said today : ‘ I have not felt the injury at all when batting and it is much better . ’
12 They often get lost because they have not kept the airfield in sight and within easy gliding range .
13 Tai Solarin , an outspoken critic of the Government who has been appointed the Bank 's Chairperson , is happy that ‘ the Government has realized that structures operating in the country have not served the purpose of the ordinary people ’ .
14 and have not withheld the request of his lips .
15 In the absence of any guarantees , Rangers may care to comfort themselves with the knowledge that the club have not lost a game in which McCoist has had to replace Richard Gough as team captain , the list including three previous European ties this season .
16 And diagnosis is very important , as a psychiatrist again , training our medical students , we are trying to do a lot of education along that line because perhaps some of the older GP 's , along the way , have not recognised the importance of this .
17 Such facilities , which include homely ‘ lounge ’ bar and restaurant areas , have not escaped the notice of the corporate world , where an increasing demand for ‘ staff awaydays ’ has resulted in a boom time for the clubs in this area .
18 I do not know the facts and the background and have not met the people at other firms , but I am impressed by the quality of the management and the attitude of the employees at Strathtay .
19 I have not noticed the Secretary of State for Transport coming to the House with orders to reverse that process .
20 Some people are jumping tomorrow , but they are those who have not done a jump for a long time ; I expect I shall do another before leave comes off . ’
21 They are divisive because they have a tendency to divide women into two camps ; those who have and those who have not shaken the dust of patriarchal conditioning from their feet .
22 This is one of the paradoxes of the educational drama situation — that we have trained a generation of teachers who have not understood the nature of drama itself .
23 In Group A , Sampdoria will qualify if they win at home against a Panathinaikos side who have not scored a goal in their five previous matches .
24 After the English cricket and soccer debacles of the past week , Hastings ' side hope to make up for the misery by catching the All Blacks cold New Zealand have not played a Test for 10 months and face the Lions with a new team .
25 These conceptual difficulties have not prevented the development by James , Guth , Flory , Staverman , Duiser and others of the network theory of rubber elasticity .
26 The weakness in passenger traffic , which fell 8 p.c last year , and operating losses have not prevented the airline from launching the most successful expansion programme among European airlines so far , in a bid to be among the few groups which are expected to survive deregulation over the next few years .
27 MOST BOOKS on branch lines record enterprises that have not stood the test of time and are no longer with us .
28 If it appears that the original decisions were taken on the basis of assumptions which have not stood the test of time it is as well to re-run the exercise .
29 If some of Hoppé 's portraits and genre pictures have not stood the test of time , his influence on his contemporaries , his restless experimentation , his role in helping to found the London Salon of Photography , and his nineteen books made him an important figure in the history of twentieth-century photography .
30 In consumer matters these rights have not stood the test of time , and in modern economic conditions , Britain and other Western nations have had to introduce numerous statutory regulations to clarify and indeed strengthen the rights of individual consumers .
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