Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , only a few large companies — 25 of them — have been registered as software exporters with branch offices abroad .
2 Much of the land has been used for squatter settlements for refugees from the fighting in Mozambique , while other parts have been cleared for banana plantations .
3 The excuses have been collected by community dieticians from Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust who have been busy spreading the word about the importance of healthy eating .
4 To date most stratification schemes have been based on exercise testing , Hotter recordings and coronary arteriography though a number of newer variables have been recently investigated .
5 The distributions of forest passerines in Africa show centres of endemism , centres of richness and disjunctions , which have been fitted to refugia theory , but close examination of the geographical ranges of subspecies of the Heliconiini and Ithominae groups of butterflies gives 44 centres of endemism in tropical America , though the two groups have very different ecological characteristics .
6 Two trips — to the site of the new Severn Bridge and to the Western Mail offices in Cardiff — have been arranged for South West region members .
7 Additional steam excursions have been arranged in West Wales , so that local people , visitors and enthusiasts alike can not only experience the nostalgia of a bygone age , but also sample the beautiful scenery of Central and West Wales .
8 Subsequent training courses have taken advantage of current opportunities , have been recognised in Adult Education and by the Sports Council , and most recently have joined forces with the City & Guilds working towards two national qualifications .
9 Johnson Matthey continues to set and maintain the highest quality standards which have been recognised by quality audits and awards by our customers worldwide .
10 A number of strategies have been devised for risk stratification in post infarction patients , attempting to predict future cardiac events , particularly sudden death and reinfarction .
11 It is only in relatively recent years that two sexes have been recognized in ammonoid species .
12 Taxi drivers in west and east Berlin have been obliged since unity day last October to drive passengers anywhere they want to go , but each group knows its own patch best .
13 On Wednesdays , firms advertising vacancies in the Financial Times have been inundated with phone calls from licensed dealers .
14 agencies have been inundated with job hunting dealers who often confide : " We 're earning thirty or forty thousand a year , but we 're working for a bucket shop .
15 Site fear : Residents ' fears over coke gas detected under the pitch of the rundown Holly Park stadium in Garston , have been calmed by city council officials , who say problems with contaminants would only be a risk if the ground was disturbed .
16 In the past few years alone millions of dollars have been invested in North America , Europe and Australia .
17 Her fabulous products for face and body contain a wealth of natural ingredients and have been formulated without animal testing .
18 We still get an , er quite a few calls where fireworks have been pushed through letter boxes , in including pillar boxes , and they can cause all sorts of havoc although they 'll not do an awful lot of damage to individuals .
19 These pores have been occluded by halite cement ( scale bar 1 mm ) ( B ) and ( C ) Irregular patch ( B ) and vein ( C ) of halite that have replaced a carbonate mudstone from Rustenburg-l .
20 Examples of the effects of water movement can be given for two predator assemblages which have been altered by water transport ( Andrews & Evans , 1983 ) .
21 Details have been announced for Sky Pageant 90 , this years open day at R A F Upper Heyford .
22 Job losses have been announced at council offices in Gloucestershire .
23 Plans to create the UK 's largest nature reserve have been announced by Environment Secretary Michael Heseltine .
24 PLANS have been announced by World Cup USA to reunite Jose Carreres , Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti at the Dodger Stadium , Los Angeles — on the eve of next year 's World Cup final .
25 BIG strides in reducing junior doctors ' working hours have been announced by health minister Dr Brian Mawhinney , who said : ‘ Posts with the longest hours those contracted for an average of more than 83 hours a week fell by more than 2,000 to 3,234 , in the last six months . ’
26 All these species have been affected by oil pollution which , while not always severe , is nearly always present and may have caused marked declines of some species in recent years .
27 The following have been reserved for coach parking from the times stated ( coaches parking earlier than the times given risk being towed away ) :
28 Unless we attend to the words which have been placed into working memory , they will not be retained .
29 While titles and locations have been placed in retrieval fields , this has been done to emphasize these elements and to stress the ideas of sources of information , seen as an important concept in history teaching .
30 Limited financial resources have been overconcentrated on health care in the hospital sector and health professionals are generally inappropriately trained to meet the needs of the community .
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