Example sentences of "have be [vb pp] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus 266 of 961 Housing Association houses have been completed since that date , 141 of 1201 local authority dwellings and 737 of 4395 private dwellings .
2 All that is true , but I do not say that young people who have been deprived in that way should go out and steal cars .
3 Five men accused of staging a cock-fight have been cleared of all charges .
4 From the vendors ' viewpoint , it will be important tactically to ensure that the preferred party is selected once all potential deal breaking points have been cleared with that party .
5 Since the mid-1980s when the satanic child abuse scare first came to Britain , it seems that many workers within Social Services in particular have been influenced by this thinking .
6 Some vertical agreements , such as exclusive distribution and exclusive purchasing , have been examined under this framework .
7 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
8 One thousand buildings have been constructed to these standards at costs of one per cent more but with a resulting 40 per cent cut in heating bills .
9 Some definitions of style have been based on this assumption .
10 M. Dupont went on : ‘ Many things of interest have been said in this house over the past days .
11 They are peaceful people , too , and many of them have been persecuted for that love of peace : Arthur Raistrick , Yorkshire Dalesman and the greatest living Dales historian , was imprisoned as a pacifist during the First World War , while in earlier times , the Quakers led by William Penn fled to America where they founded Pennsylvania , the capital city of which is Philadelphia , the city of brotherly love .
12 Many notable marriages have been arranged at these meetings .
13 In such an economy , and also in the earlier phases of primitive agricultural communities , the coast and the larger river valleys provided very rich sources of food for small bands of people ; many Mesolithic sites have been recognised in such areas .
14 The reasons have been explained in several letters to your MP or Regional Councillor on 31 March 1992 , 14 April , 6 May , 4 June and 27 August , all of which I understand have been passed to you , and directly over the phone by Mr Carter on 6 August 1992 .
15 The pros and cons of the various procedures involved have been debated on many occasions with much ardour and conviction , and not a little prejudice .
16 Claims have been made about Taiwan and South Korea , but tremendous amounts of US aid have been pumped into those countries for political purposes .
17 In New York , visitors to the Studio Museum have been prepared for this recasting of Lam by a retrospective of his works on paper at the Americas Society , which travels to Barcelona 's Fundacio ‘ La Caixa ’ on 21 January .
18 Eleven background papers and four major issues papers have been prepared in this way .
19 Three adults who have been prepared by this group will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil .
20 In contrast to this , I wish to argue that if disabled people display psychological abnormalities , this is because they have been socialised into such traits as a result of the ways in which society meets , or fails to meet , our needs , and that the claim that such features are a consequence of impairment is itself an aspect of the oppression of disabled people since it misidentifies , and thus does nothing to overcome , the main source of psychological distress .
21 The points values of any specific magic items have been listed with each entry .
22 These have been viewed with some irritation by Northern regions who feel that their needs have been ignored in the planning of the Tunnel , and that pampered southerners should be prepared to pay the price of their economic success .
23 Once intervention rates have been altered in this fashion , a change in rates will occur across all sterling money markets .
24 In recent years several British ensembles have begun to draw upon an ‘ exotic ’ instrumentarium of this kind once again , but they have been marginalized to some degree .
25 A sector which is under pressure from imports may seek voluntary export restraints on the part of the foreign suppliers ( a wide range of Japanese exports to the United States have been affected by such agreements ) .
26 Part of the explanation lies in the succession of downward revisions that have had to be made to Pearson 's 1992 profits , which have been affected by several disappointments , predominantly among the non-publishing divisions .
27 Most of us listened carefully to those hon. Members whose constituencies have been affected by this hooliganism — the hon. Members for Tyne Bridge ( Mr. Clelland ) , for Wansbeck ( Mr. Thompson ) and for Hartlepool ( Mr. Leadbitter ) .
28 Saving the best fruit until last , our most enthusiastic comments have been reserved for this yacht 's performance under sail .
29 I have always thought that we entered the ERM at a rate of exchange that was much too high , and I have been reinforced in this view by Britain 's poor showing in international trade during the past 18 months .
30 Barriers have been erected at all Football League grounds in the light of recommendations made in the Lang Report ( 1969 ) — their purpose being ‘ the segregation of young people from other spectators ’ .
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