Example sentences of "have be [verb] for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bookshop profile , along with profiles for over 250 other businesses , have been prepared for Midland by Project North East , a local enterprise agency based in Newcastle-upon-Tyne .
2 I have been prepared for death for many years . ’
3 After all , these islands have been steeped for centuries in everything from witchcraft to ancestor worship .
4 Since the Tamil insurrection it is almost certain that a number have been shot for food by the ‘ Tigers ’ .
5 One hundred and fifty storage places have been reserved for NUKEM at Dounreay , and article 3.5 of the agreement states : ’ If NUKEM decide not to reprocess , all the fuel in storage at Dounreay shall be removed from the UK by the 30 September 1996 ’ .
6 Other books have been championed for years by obsessed option-owners , like Saul Zaentz 's doomed production of Peter Matthiesen 's At Play In The Fields Of The Lord , and Cronenberg 's Naked Lunch , the latter understanding that cult novels ca n't usually be filmed at all .
7 Sixty-seven parties fought the election of 1991 ; 29 won seats in parliament ; a dozen have been jockeying for seats in coalition governments .
8 We have been struggling for years with an inadequate meat hygiene inspection system and we need , as soon as possible , to replace it with a centralised system that will guarantee high standards and uniform costs .
9 Five thousand of the posters have been printed for distribution to organisations and individuals across the area .
10 Disabled people from all over the country have been competing for honours in a carriage driving contest .
11 A large number of the part-timers have been reporting for duty for the entire twenty years of the Ulster Defence Regiment 's existence .
12 Many have been killed for sport by oil surveyors and troops using automatic weapons .
13 The development is being promoted by the City of Edinburgh District Council , although it has not yet progressed to the submission of a planning application on which I have been asked for comments by the District Councils Director of Planning .
14 As an alternative means of adding security , the bill[s] of exchange may be sent with shipping documents — the buyer only obtains title to the goods once the bill[s] have been accepted for payment at a future date [ or , if the bill is payable ‘ at sight ’ , when payment has been made ] .
15 Many developments have been delayed for years pending completion of new or improvements to existing sewage works .
16 Many have been living for years in a shadowy , illegal world , doing the jobs that affluent Japanese now shun .
17 The Middlesbrough water polo pair of Paul Floyd and Lee Cooke have been selected for England in the home countries junior ( 20 and under ) international tournament at Glasgow on March 6–7 .
18 From this very complex subject two topics concerning government grants to local authorities have been selected for discussion in this section : the overall relationship between local taxation and grants as sources of local authority income and the methods used to distribute the general grant .
19 Two Latin American cities have been selected for study of the impact of urbanisation on groundwater in developing countries .
20 The Caledonides of Britain and Ireland and the Hercynides of France , Spain and Portugal have been selected for study as representatives of the two main stratigraphic and structural domains of western Europe .
21 The Fed 's policy-making Open Market Committee met last Wednesday to set monetary growth goals for the second quarter and since then punters have been looking for signs of a massive rate cut .
22 I have been looking for ages for a Victorian birdbath , without much success .
23 Less well known perhaps are the systems which have been developed for assessment in the workplace .
24 Self-instructional programmes have been developed for use with the MEDIATRON unit .
25 Thus , tests for organisms such as E coli and Shigella have been developed for use on drinking water supplies .
26 So far , compounds with less chlorine have been developed for use in commercial and domestic refrigeration units .
27 The Holgate school is a split-site Comprehensive in Hucknall , Nottinghamshire Information skills curricula have been developed for pupils throughout the school and are closely linked to the use of new technology .
28 Using this technology , electrodes have been coated for use in an extremely wide variety of applications , including the cathodic protection of oil rigs and reinforced concrete bridges , and for use in electro-dialysis , metal plating and effluent treatment .
29 Special bifocal kinoforms have been made for implantation into the eye after the removal of cataracts .
30 b ) Arrangements have been made for repairs to the footway between Nos 540 and 580 Lanark Road .
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