Example sentences of "have to [be] made [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The onus on his/her ingenuity is reflected in the wide range of decisions that have to be made about the context in which tokens occur .
2 The observed data on income , wealth , etc. , do not correspond accurately to the theoretical constructs ; the empirical procedures have to rely on proxy measures ; assumptions have to be made about the extent to which people benefit from different public programmes and about incidence .
3 When processing across levels of description , choices have to be made about the relative contributions of each knowledge source .
4 A party leader who hopes to reach 10 Downing Street has to devote much time to party management , and policies and appointments have to be made with an eye on the reactions of party factions .
5 The consumer programme shows no sign of losing momentum , indeed difficult decisions have to be made on the most effective use of resources available .
6 Where it is necessary for a company , for example , to pass a resolution to promote legislation , it is useful to include an authority for one or two persons to settle drafting points , and this is especially necessary at the committee stage before commissioners , when decisions sometimes have to be made on the spur of the moment .
7 Such policies can not work , because cuts have to be made at a difficult time and even more jobs are lost .
8 The two other main decisions that have to be made at the design stage are the sizes of type and the style in which it is set .
9 This may have only a marginal effect on the owners of a semi , but in blocks of flats contributions have to be made to a maintenance fund .
10 Qualifications and amendments have to be made to the plans of the drawing-board as policy-makers confront changing circumstances .
11 Grant applications have to be made to the EC , the Rural Development Commission and the Department of the Environment , with approvals taking months at a time when speed is of the essence .
12 Wunis , a young oil company official , was to some extent moved by indignation about the deceitfulness of the government ; he was also perhaps self-consciously applying those notions of good efficient management which he had gained from his oil company training : decisions about expenditure have to be made in a context of opportunity costs , of an overview of expenditure as a whole .
13 The management of schools is changing and decisions have to be made in the context of a financial framework .
14 Difficult decisions have to be made in the rationing of scarce resources .
15 The head does not always have the time to ponder the price of those personal and professional adjustments which have to be made in the regular course of management .
16 This is analogous to the anticipation of objections in pure selling — it helps when quick decisions have to be made in the heat of the negotiation .
17 The last help screen might be considered superfluous in that it is simply a reminder that all entries have to be made in an appropriate manner .
18 There is no source of official information on settlements , since court formalities are rare , and thus deductions have to be made from the information available in the judicial statistics , supported by the available research .
19 I hope that these factors , together with custodianship and more willingness to look at open adoption by the judiciary as well as by social workers , will diminish the number of occasions when adoptive placements have to be made against the wishes of the natural parents , and/or children .
20 Underlying all the decisions , all the choices which have to be made concerning an official curriculum , all the conflicting influences and all the necessary compromises , three familiar issues can be recognised :
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