Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adj] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rather than trying to bluff your way through , it is better to say something like , ‘ Right at this moment it 's rather difficult to remember the exact details , could I possibly look over the advertisement again ? ’
2 Well I have to say straight away that I 've erm worked on a Council with the Labour Party in opposition with us , and now with the Labour Party in Government with us with us a very small group , and I have to say it 's much preferable to have the Labour Party in power than to have the Conservative Party in power as far as we 're concerned , because at local level the sort of things that we want to do — providing better services , caring of people , all those sort of things — we do n't disagree .
3 Says Dana Stuchell at Trans-Species , ‘ We believe that it 's morally wrong to alter the genetic material of species .
4 It 's so easy to marry the wrong person .
5 ‘ Perhaps because it 's so easy to believe the worst of you . ’
6 So you may ask whether it 's ever possible to fathom the real wishes of the patient .
7 While it 's always good to know the odd tuba player ( and let's face it , most of them are ) , Chase unfortunately was a fanatic , believing that there had been no good jazz since the King Oliver band .
8 It 's always interesting to compare the individual members of a range of basses .
9 It 's always wise to follow the technical advice offered by paving manufacturers when preparing the foundations of your patio .
10 This motion is about Labour Party accountability to our own union members and not about our accountability to a handful of M Ps , so whatever the result of the er particular , er Labour Party links debate we 've just had , it 's still important to consider the practical er effects of the link we have with the Labour Party locally .
11 There 's playing up the teacher but it 's more trying to get the better of him or her .
12 but it 's more important to get the right person than to do it
13 For sophisticated late suppers it 's really hard to beat the little black dress .
14 So er it seems to me that it 's particularly invalid to take the last three years .
15 He 's quite willing to do the right thing by the girl .
16 So many things happened over the last two rounds , it 's sometimes hard to remember the first two ; I just know it was Trevino versus Jacklin again in the third round and , of course , they were playing together once more .
17 erm it does take a lot of effort to move over to meeting them as individual people , and once you 've understood that they are individual people and you get to know their interests and get to know your common humanity , then that 's the point where you want to get on and do something more , but it 's very difficult to recognise the common humanity , and a lot of
18 Now , when you 're trying to distinguish whether it 's idiomatic or not , do n't , you know it 's very difficult to find the fine line between something which is formal , and still idiomatic , and something which is idiomatic through being too colloquially informal .
19 It 's very important to preserve the original vocal style .
20 You can score points for the number of ceramic divisions you can move the butt over ( with extra for actually getting it down the hole and extra for doing it from the far end of the gutter from the hole ) , for the amount of destruction caused — apparently it 's very hard to get the little black cone at the burned end to disintegrate — and , over the course of the evening , the number of fag-ends so dispatched .
21 I think it 's very hard to separate the two , but it 's a big chicken and egg , to say which came first , the social conditions or the furnishings is erm is very hard to say , but they are , I mean like in that example that I just gave , they 're very strongly tied up .
22 It 's too early to assess the full extent of the damage .
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