Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [adv] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was pretty odd for Blackheath but not in comparison with the people who were hanging out at the It office .
2 By the end of the month the French , United Kingdom and United States governments had committed troops to maintain " safe havens " within Iraq , despite the latter 's condemnation , and UN relief agencies confirmed on April 29 that Kurdish refugees who had fled Iraq were returning home at the rate of 20,000 a day .
3 Alleycat and Digger were looking up at the stars in the sky .
4 All eyes were looking up at the pit lane screens as every lap , every move , was relayed on to the tube
5 After the cremation , while the few mourners were looking gloomily at the flowers , his uncle 's solicitor , a partner in the Ipswich practice , spoke to Lewis simply to say that he believed he already knew the contents of the will .
6 Entitled Swizzlewick , it ‘ starred ’ a Mrs Smallgood , a Councillor Salt — the chairman of the NVALA committee was a Birmingham councillor by the name of Pepper — and Ernest the postman , Ernest being the name of Mr Whitehouse and ‘ Postman 's Piece ’ the name of the house they were living in at the time .
7 Back in the church the priests were shouting angrily at the men .
8 At the time a lot of people felt we were selling out at the bottom , but I have n't heard that accusation recently . ’
9 Quite a number of them were turning up at the BBC and the harassed receptionist was heard to say , as she reported the arrival of yet another , ‘ I 'm sorry , where did you say you were king of ? ’
10 They were each offered a can of cold beer from a coolbox , and within a short time they were lining up at the barbecue , a plate in hand .
11 I think from that report there was a there was a requirement or request that perhaps the theatre should actually have a public meeting to talk about which way the theatre was going what things were going on at the theatre and that 's what the meeting is for this evening .
12 Meanwhile , however , the rich followed their king 's dictum ‘ Après moi , le déluge ’ , and gave themselves up to pleasure — balls , the opera ( where new works by Gluck , Grétry and Piccinni were finally displacing the heroic works of Lully and Rameau , beloved of the Ancien Régime ) , gambling and hunting ; the chattering middle classes were busy discussing politics and aesthetics ; writers such as Voltaire and Diderot were chipping away at the foundations of society with their radical ideas of universal fraternity in this ‘ Age of Enlightenment ’ ; and the poor were being told to ‘ eat cake ’ , if they had no bread .
13 So , for many years , the couple made their living as hired help , and were doing so at the time of the film 's success .
14 Flames were licking hungrily at the material ; it was blazing fiercely .
15 After a quick glance back through the shop ( Maisie and Ruthie were staring out at the street in silence ) Henry slid one sheet of the printed paper into Gordon 's typewriter .
16 Already bodies were floating sullenly at the bow , and others were drifting slowly downstream .
17 one thing 's for sure the appointment of John Gorman is a popular one on the terraces … he 's given the fans what they crave for … and that 's loyalty … from first thing this morning supporters were rolling up at the County Ground to have their say
18 there 's just five days to go to the start of the new football season … it 's the big kick-off this Saturday … and both Swindon and Oxford were warming up at the weekend
19 there 's just five days to go to the start of the new football season … it 's the big kick-off this Saturday … and both Swindon and Oxford were warming up at the weekend
20 When the greetings and exclamations were over , they told me that they had been staying on Mull for a few days , and had just arrived on Moila , and were putting up at the post office with Mrs McDougall .
21 ‘ Coming sir , ’ they both trilled , and soon we were sitting down at the dining table in a corner of the living-room .
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