Example sentences of "were [vb pp] as [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Rocks , trees , mountains , wells and springs were recognized as receptacles for spirit , displaying in season their various properties , fertilizing , therapeutic and oracular …
2 This is partly because fishing rights erm were written in erm to the , to the European Community system erm as part of in a sense the agricultural policy , erm because they were regarded as part of food policy , and it was thought that you must have , if you 're going to have a common agricultural policy , and that was one of the important points erm of the negotiations for setting up the European Community , then a common fisheries policy went alongside with that .
3 By the early ninth century at the latest , the kings of the first dynasty of Gwynedd were regarded as descendants of Cunedda from Manau Gododdin ( the plain of the Votadini between the Rivers Avon and Carron ) in the territory of the Votadini ( HB ch. 62 ) .
4 His visits were regarded as occasions for embarrassment rather than pleasure or consolation , and he was left wondering why , when his motives were generous , these people should find it so difficult to respond with a matching warmth .
5 New words and phrases entered the language of education : open plan buildings no longer had classrooms , they had home bases or teaching areas ; the maths bay became a resource area ; teachers worked in teams ; the timetable was replaced by a continually renegotiable programme ; staff rooms were regarded as places of retreat but parents ' rooms were essential .
6 In France , but not apparently in Vienna , the latter were regarded as flowers of death .
7 Both women were treated as infants by Hugh , while Harriet was forced to play stern mother to her husband 's aunt .
8 Lifetime gifts such as apprentice premiums or partnership capital or lump sums on marriage were treated as advances on inheritance portions .
9 The genera Ophialcaea and Ophiotreta were treated as subgenera of Ophiacantha by Mortensen ( 1936 ) and Fell ( 1960 ) , but H. L. Clark ( 1915 ) and Koehler ( 1922 , 1931 ) considered them to be of generic rank , a treatment followed here pending future study on the generic boundaries in this subfamily .
10 REPORTS that the Government plans to save about 13 of the 31 coal mines threatened with closure — but only for about two years — were dismissed as speculation by Downing Street last night .
11 Sealstones and frescoes often depict cult scenes ; stone vessels were often intended for cult use ; the finest faience figurines were idols ; the metal and clay figurines and miniature double-axes were intended as offerings to deities ; the recurring marine motif on the pottery and in frescoes may have had a cult association with the worship of Poseidon .
12 On this and the following day , over 300 sorties were flown as part of preparations for the US Marine invasion of Tulagi and two smaller nearby islands .
13 Beset by relative impotence in the international arena only rarely could abolitionists provide sustenance from ‘ agitation ’ for antislavery diplomacy or politics as when the 1814 petitions were seen as support for Castlereagh 's negotiations on suppressing the transatlantic slave trade at the peace congress .
14 THE APPROACH of the Eden Park Test initially was viewed with trepidation , and the majority of the five changes to the home team were seen as signs of disarray rather than as providing fresh blood .
15 Both were seen as sources of disease , bodily or spiritual , moral corruptions which were spreading throughout the land .
16 Indians were seen as representing the Vietcong , nineteenth-century negro slaves spoke like members of the Black Power movement , and detailed blood-baths were presented as condemnations of violence .
17 They were named as Romario of Brazil , Stanislav Griga of Czechoslovakia and Gheorghe Hagi of Romania .
18 They were named as Romario of Brazil , Stanislav Griga of Czechoslovakia and Gheorghe Hagi of Romania .
19 After an international outcry , the sentences were commuted to life imprisonment , and the couple were adopted as prisoners of conscience by Amnesty International .
20 Accordingly , particulars were interpreted as complexes of qualities and regarded as being essentially of the same logical type as single qualities ; with the implication that any significant statement about either is necessarily significant , although , it is conceded , " probably not true " , 8 about the other .
21 In the north , building design had much in common with northern Europe and primarily evolved from Lombard styles ; in central Italy , particularly Tuscany , coloured marbles were used as veneers in decoration both on the outside and inside of the buildings giving a colourful rather than plastic effect to the decoration .
22 Little was done to halt mass pro-Iraqi demonstrations on the West Bank and Gaza Strip ; instead they were used as evidence of Arafat 's close links with Saddam Hussein 's " terrorist " state .
23 They were used as infantry at Gallipoli , where they landed at Suvla Bay on 20/21 August 1915 , serving with distinction where they took Chocolate Hill and Scimitar Hill with the bayonet ; by 1 November 1915 , they had been reduced to sixty .
24 It may give evidence of trade , since coins were used as objects of trade .
25 A variety of tempers were used as additives to clays ; whether the choice was conscious or not has yet to be studied , although it has already been observed that the same clay was used with different tempers in certain places .
26 Aliquots of the cDNA reaction were used as templates for PCR with primers OL1918 ( 5' CTCAAGCCACTGCTGGAG 3' ) and Ro ( 5' AAGGATCCGTCGACATC 3' — complementary to T 57 ) .
27 Sometimes the workmanship in these archaic stone artefacts was very fine , and it is possible that they were used as insignia of rank , in much the same way as stone maces in the Wessex Culture in southern England ; if so , it is curious that the same obsolete tool became associated with rank in two cultures that were geographically so widely separated .
28 These were used as retreats in times of attack and for clandestine communication between the religious houses .
29 Fasting volume ( mean of measurements at 15 and 0 minutes before test meal ; V in ml ) and residual postprandial volume were measured as characteristic of gall bladder motility .
30 They were classified as successes of treatment as subsequent radiological examination had been normal .
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