Example sentences of "were [vb pp] out [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With a heavy heart , Robert followed her towards the smooth , mysterious features of the house , whose windows , on this side , he could now see , were blacked out from the inside .
2 These large abscesses were pointed out by the farm manager to Mrs Brough , who photographed them .
3 Details of these were given out at the April training day and included in that days ' notes .
4 Numerous prizes , generously donated by sponsors , were given out at the end of the day .
5 Hungry hacks were flown out to the set to experience the four S's for themselves .
6 Under the 1987 treaty on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces [ see p. 35602 ] the last of the US ground-launched nuclear-armed cruise missiles stationed in Europe under the 1979 NATO " twin-track " decision [ see pp. 30159-60 ] were flown out of the US base at Comiso , Sicily , on March 26 .
7 The party appointments came after the leadership had authorised a statement formally apologising to the Czechoslovak people for leading the country into its latest crisis , before they were hustled out of the building because the cleaners wanted to go home .
8 The lifters were tested three weeks ago and were booted out of the Olympics for taking Clenbuterol .
9 These two elements of a manager 's job were picked out by the US organisational psychologists Robert Blake and Jane Mouton as characterising the leadership role , following studies they made in the oil industry soon after World War 11 .
10 It is likely the alterations were carried out towards the end of a relatively prosperous period , before a collapse in trade , between 1810 and 1820 .
11 Emergency repairs were carried out to the hotel and houses , many of which had damaged roofs and broken windows , throughout yesterday .
12 The tower was off limits , after all , and someone was just ensuring that the Baron 's orders were carried out to the letter .
13 Instead , studies were carried out with the focus now on the listener rather than the speaker .
14 Many such instances were carried out at the Chapel over the next few years .
15 In medieval times well-documented court activities were carried out at the caputs already discussed .
16 On a crude arithmetical basis if the same proportion of murders were carried out on the mainland of Britain in relation to the population we 'd have had a thousand dead in the past eight days .
17 Detailed observations were carried out on the behaviour of the students during the actual course , and both students and teachers were interviewed as to their feelings in participating in this form of instruction .
18 ‘ No fatigue tests were carried out on the B 707–300 series horizontal stabiliser structure prior to USA or UK certification .
19 Although there is no written evidence to substantiate this , no major repairs or maintenance were carried out on the machinery , and it is evident that it performed well from the start .
20 In earlier times and into the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , many of the basic administrative and judicial activities were carried out through the arrangement of hundreds , hundred courts , and hundredal manors courts being held at hundred meeting places , where three men for every tithing or vill had to attend at three-weekly intervals .
21 The great majority of thefts were carried out in the villages .
22 These experiments were carried out in the presence of heparin which is known to rapidly and completely dissociate the CRP-DNA binary complex .
23 All these measures were carried out in the name of cost improvements cost-cutting would be a more appropriate name .
24 Our case studies of casual working were carried out in the hotels and catering industry where a large proportion of the casual labour force is to be found .
25 But most cattle thefts were carried out in the interior of the Low Country , Kurunagala , and in the districts bordering these two areas , where they were organized by wealthy and powerful men .
26 Working up trials were carried out in the Solent area and we soon found that various modifications were necessary .
27 One possible reason for the difference between Chapman 's and our results is that their experiments were all performed in the presence of 5 mM glutamine ( M Chapman , personal communication ) where our experiments were carried out in the absence of glutamine .
28 Before the building of the pierheads and bridges commenced , tests were carried out in the Solway Firth .
29 However , as the reader will see , few operations of this type were carried out by the SBS in the Mediterranean after 1943 .
30 Under working practices at the time , junctions so approved could be put into full operation before final safety checks were carried out by the inspectorate .
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