Example sentences of "were [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The French guns were firing at the flanks of the Prince 's position ; aiming at the farmhouses to east and west .
2 The Trunchbull was in such a rage that her face had taken on a boiled colour and little flecks of froth were gathering at the corners of her mouth .
3 Photons were colliding with the electrons of the atoms of the matter ; the recoil of each electron ‘ stole ’ a little energy from the relevant photon — just as the white ball in pool loses energy when it bounces off another ball , and therefore slows down .
4 But now I was up in the air , and what with the clouds , I lost all my orientation Where the clouds parted , I could see the whole tube , land all around me , and it seemed to go up like a tower , so the town and the factory belt and the parks were hanging from the walls over my head , they were all going to crash down on me , and the city on top of them .
5 Amid the rumble of the traffic , birds were singing in the trees of Bedford Square .
6 It was as if the energies within my brain and body were reacting to the energies within the crypt and a flowing , pulsing feeling of warmth came over me , somewhat similar to my feeling after a session of Reichian therapy .
7 They were driving through the suburbs in the valley far below the ancient hill settlement forming the historic core of the city .
8 Even Sean 's obvious appreciation of her had served mainly to boost her confidence as to how she would look in that other man 's eyes , if by some absolute miracle they should meet him for a moment as they were driving through the grounds of Millfield House .
9 While thousands of miles away her countrymen were revelling in the celebrations for Australia 's 200th anniversary , she enjoyed the historic sights of a country with a slightly richer heritage .
10 Just before the clock struck five the next morning , Gabriel and Coggan were walking to the hayfields past their mistress 's house , when they saw a surprising sight .
11 A few years ago , we were walking in the mountains to the south of Loch Tummel , heading for a tiny water called Loch a'Chait , a hard tramp uphill from Lick .
12 Barnes and club-mate Ben Clarke were appearing for the Barbarians against Australia at Twickenham while their Bath colleagues were sinking 9–8 at Blundellsands to Second Division Waterloo in the third round on Saturday .
13 The Doctor and Bernice were stumbling between the mushrooms of twisted metal , with the Doctor talking nineteen to the dozen and gesturing wildly with his still furled umbrella .
14 Tom Kelly , director general of the Betting Office Licensees Association , confirmed that they were looking into the circumstances of the Lingfield race .
15 Erm we are not going any further than that erm we the debate this morning erm we were looking at the differences between ourselves and then for example Selby District of what what they would like to see which was er certainly more than growth oriented the County Council 's proposals are .
16 Two well-dressed women were looking at the greenhouses for sale at a garden centre recently .
17 Near the door there was a rose-tree and three gardeners , who were looking at the roses in a very worried way .
18 They were looking for the principles of organisation , how it is that we organise things like dots into a meaningful whole Why is it that we tend to see two lines crossing in the middle rather one two than two V's ?
19 If one were looking for the reasons for the present situation , does my right hon. Friend agree that it has been the departure of the building societies and other lenders from the traditional concept of not lending more than 75 per cent .
20 Erm Freud 's hypothesis is that this religion left Egypt because of the persecution , Moses was one of Akhenaten 's followers who went out into the desert , erm here as I 'll explain in the lectures er some of my own research opens up a new angle on this that Freud did n't know about and why they went out into the desert , why they picked up these er Hebrew erm er immigrants who were living on the fringes of the Egyptian Empire .
21 Both Greeks and Jews were living on the borders of the Persian Empire .
22 Both authors appear to belittle the great range of plants that were living at the times of their animals and the ways in which these plants were constantly evolving and migrating .
23 In my judgment there was evidence upon which the learned judge could conclude that Mr Carey and Miss Burrow were living in the premises with leave of the respondent and that during the period of his occupation Mr Carey was not in adverse possession .
24 And erm also but I I was glad to experience the kind of things that people who were living in the flats without choice , had to experience .
25 The all-seeing wood sandpipers were shouting from the tops of the willow trees in the marsh , vying with dusky or spotted redshanks as to who was sharpest at ‘ people-spotting ’ .
26 They were acting in the interests of western civilization .
27 I wondered what memories were passing through the minds of the other members of the group , especially those that 50 years earlier had paid a flying visit to Norway in rather different circumstances .
28 For the first time in Wigston 's long history a class of gentry was beginning to appear ; moreover , substantial holdings were passing into the hands of absentee landlords .
29 The pupils were allowed to think that they were listening to the voices of 12 different speakers , but actually there were only 9 .
30 People were dashing along the roads in their night attire having just thrown on coats , my father went off first , next my mother and my Aunt Gertrude who lived with us .
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