Example sentences of "were [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Of the surviving children of William Charles and Anne , five were baptised together on the same day ( 10 July 1817 ) in their father 's original parish at the miniature City church of St Ethelburga , Bishopsgate .
2 Therefore , in order to minimise the risk of falsely rejecting an existing difference , p values less than 0.05 were considered as significant although multiple tests were carried out on the same data .
3 Age is unlikely to have influenced the findings or the conclusions of our study , because all the tests and comparisons were carried out on the same group of patients .
4 Commander David Tucker head of the anti-terrorist squad believes both attacks were carried out by the same IRA unit .
5 It is finally stated in the report that the police believed the rapes were carried out by the same man , who is described quite fully .
6 A square vessel and parts of other domestic articles of wood were found about eight feet down in a peat moss at Strathmore , near Gruinart , and bones of a fifteen years old girl and a cow horn were turned up by the same peat diggers .
7 GOLFER Paul Hurring and his sweetheart Charlotte Turtle , who died in each other 's arms in a freak accident , were buried yesterday in the same grave .
8 The slides were rinsed once with the same buffer , then transferred to 2× SSC ( 20× SSC=3 M NaCl ; 0.3 M trisodium citrate ) at 45°C for one hour , followed by 0.1× SSC at 60°C for another hour .
9 Controls matched for age and sex were drawn randomly from the same population at risk , including deaths , out migrants , and in migrants .
10 However , the effect of experience on temperament is still limited by the horse 's genetic traits — for example , if both the naturally placid horse and the naturally nervous horse were brought up in the same rough environment , then the placid horse would still be less timid than the nervous one .
11 Approximately one hour later , they were brought back to the same room and asked to retell the story again .
12 Two additional changes ( also only relevant to joining a new scheme ) were brought in at the same time .
13 Will he confim that if unemployment figures were counted today on the same basis as they were in 1979 employment Ministers would be forced to stand at the Dispatch Box and admit that the number of economically active people who are unemployed in Great Britain today is 3.75 million ?
14 Its weakness was its technical conservatism ; although in 1880 the Admiralty agreed to reintroduce breechloading guns on heavy ships , the armoured cruisers Impérieuse and Warspite , which were laid down in the same year , were still designed to carry a full spread of sail .
15 He said he had met Mounsey in prison and believed they were set up by the same gang of traffickers in Bangkok .
16 Raine refused to speak to Diana 's mother in church even though they were seated together in the same pew .
17 The fact that visiting supporters were allowed in to the same terracing , even though distinctly segregated , was a constant source of irritation to many Oxford fans , and it was often pointed to as an explanation for the occurrence of ‘ bovver ’ .
18 For the user it is as if everyone were signed on to the same LAN .
19 On top of that , French banks were paid twice for the same service , first by French traders as a result of the Helsinki agreement and , second , by foreign banks ( those that the drawers of Eurocheques banked with ) as a result of the Eurocheque system exempted by the Commission in 1984 .
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