Example sentences of "were [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The largely vertical tears , ranging from 20 to 60 cm in length , were successfully repaired in time for the opening of the exhibition .
2 Finally , the slides were weakly stained with haematoxylin for one minute before dehydrating and mounting in Xam ( BDH , Poole ) .
3 Two Dutchmen , Hans Guyt and Willem Beekman , were eventually sent to prison for six weeks over this protest .
4 The children were eventually admitted into care as a result of neglect .
5 The Millbank paper-mill and its equipment were eventually offered for sale by auction in October 1804 , thereby ending the possibility of England challenging the European paper industry by using more easily available materials for making paper .
6 This was not merely through the intrinsic loss but also because family status and honour were intimately linked to possession of land .
7 Traditionally the largest man-made hole in England , it is the result of the running together of a number of small quarries Cornish slates were widely employed for roofing in the county by the fourteenth century and indeed by 1314 they were certainly in use on buildings in Winchester , Hampshire .
8 The moves were widely seen as part of an attempt to end the 15-year civil war by meeting conditions demanded by the opposition UNITA rebels .
9 Meager ( 1986 ) showed that in 1984 such employment strategies were widely applied in relation to personal service , office and manual workers and to some extent to the recruitment of managerial , technical and professional staff .
10 Goods brought in through the Port of London were widely distributed by way of the River Thames and the Grand Union Canal which linked to the Midlands .
11 Nobody knew what legal matters they had to sort out as they were spied from Martindale 's Gate traversing the shrubbery paths of The Hall in deep conversation , and they were rarely seen in company in the village except on an occasional outing together to buy postage stamps .
12 In 1989 mines run by the state-owned Centromín mining concern ( a leading producer of zinc , lead , silver and copper ) were badly affected by sabotage by Sendero Luminoso , which caused the main mine , Morococha , to close throughout September .
13 Many of the victims , of course , were badly burned after death by the fires that swept the town , but even those that died in the open showed severe burns on their bodies , even though in many cases their clothes were not even singed .
14 Rival militant groups which had co-operated with the Indian forces were effectively relegated to politics in exile .
15 Telford 's warehouses were mostly destroyed by fire in 1970 , but Porters Row survives as an example of his workers ' houses , and locks on what is now the Shropshire Union Canal descend the hillside to link it with the ship canal .
16 court of appeal decision : unfavourable medical reports obtained confidentially by a plaintiff for the purposes of personal injury litigation which were inadvertently disclosed on discovery to the defendant could be used by them at the trial .
17 As a general point banks in many countries were highly regulated in relation to deposits and lending conducted in their own domestic currency .
18 Jane Smith 's murine cries were nicely illustrated by way of their electronic imitation .
19 We were much pressed in argument with submissions that , although fraudulent conduct has become a serious social evil , there are other evils just as grave , or even graver , which have not attracted any special powers ; that if the reason for giving exceptional powers to the Serious Fraud Office is that many frauds involve complicated transactions which are difficult to unravel , then the same could be said of the long and complex trials ( for instance , arising from charges of affray , or of the importation and supply of prohibited drugs ) to which no such powers have been applied ; and that , moreover , the powers of the Office are made available even where the transactions in question are not complicated , since the Act applies to ‘ serious or complex fraud ’ — not ‘ serious and complex fraud . ’
20 Doors , wooden grain chests , roofing beams were merely hacked into shape with adzes .
21 Some authorities were better organized in relation to UDG submissions , and some areas were simply not regarded as attractive to the market — even when UDG was taken into account .
22 On the whole , feminists throughout the period agreed that women were better suited by nature to home-related tasks than were men .
23 The Gambia announced on Oct. 23 that 980 illegal immigrants , the majority from Guinea and Sierra Leone , had been deported ; the expulsions were apparently prompted by concern over a rise in violent crime .
24 As charges against the profits of manors these payments were naturally classed as income from land .
25 What could have proved a disastrous appointment did , and Athletico were only saved from oblivion by the inspired choice of Reg Pybus as coach .
26 It took them five overs to score their first run and they were only saved from disaster by captain Allan Lamb .
27 Unlikely as that seems now , it must be remembered that in the early 1970s the private market was in a very bad condition and many developer builders were only rescued from bankruptcy by ‘ package deals ’ under which the DOE gave local authorities special loan sanctions in order to buy in whole estates of unsold private dwellings .
28 In September 1295 custody of alien priories had been seized by the king and they were only restored on payment of fines .
29 The courts were only retained for recreation by a concerted public campaign , which resulted in the District Council acquiring the land through a Compulsory Purchase Order .
30 Perhaps one or two of them were so blinded by hatred of Lloyd George as to believe that the move would still show up his impotence .
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