Example sentences of "were [adv] [v-ing] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Gwyneth Dunwoody stated that we were secretly dismantling the health service and Roy Hattersley muttered about contracting out old people like refuse collection .
2 Last I saw , a couple of hand-in-hand schoolkids had fished them out and were avidly reading the instruction leaflet .
3 The Kop were all doing the moslem arm-worship thing chanting ‘ Newsome-Newsome ’ and even waving Newsome 's picture in the Kop ( he was this week 's pinup ! )
4 But erm , and you could always refer to it in your dialogue with them if you had a claim to make , er that they were only paying the district rate .
5 Getting the information onto the printer meant that a page description language became essential if Apple were to avoid the problems faced by manufacturers who were just treating the Canon engine as a high quality dot matrix printer .
6 They were just finishing the apple pie when the phone rang .
7 If at the time of death the couple were already receiving the State retirement pension , the widow will continue to receive her share .
8 However , it appears that the plentiful supplies of sugar were not wholly unwelcome to Soviet leaders , who were still pursuing the consumption drive which was behind the February 1960 agreement .
9 Down in Roirbak 's workshop , Ari skidded to where Leila and Quincx were still re-running the surveillance vid .
10 Events were now reaching the crisis point .
11 MPs were today playing the numbers game as the crucial Euro vote drew closer .
12 Russell interviewed sixth form pupils in the Bradford area during 1982 , and amongst other things commented that ‘ it was disturbing to discover the number of boys who were reluctantly studying the subject mathematics at A level , and were not enjoying it ’ .
13 There had been no sense of impending crisis and few newspapers were seriously featuring the Falklands situation prior to the invasion .
14 By dredging up gravel , therefore , river managers were actually de-stabilizing the river bed , thereby contributing to the erosion which they were supposedly trying to prevent .
15 But anyway , if it were working properly , the ‘ Cube 's ‘ clip ’ light would only come on when you were actually overdriving the input stage , which is not as helpful as the Trace Acoustic version , which lights up green and occasionally flashes red to tell you when you 've got the input level exactly right .
16 He is the first Southerner to succeed in New York , and his aides were happily parodying the Sinatra song about the Big Apple : ‘ If we can make it here , we 'll make it anywhere . ’
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