Example sentences of "were [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 The near and next near contracts were generally mispriced in the same direction , and by a roughly similar amount .
2 Even those currents that attached themselves to the drift of labourism , and with which they often had an uneasy relationship , were pathologically infected by the same bourgeois traditions .
3 The Scots were meanwhile retreating along the same route by which they had advanced , but to a very different reception .
4 Those moralists who joined the new coalition were usually motivated by the same structural factors which brought together other groupings : the economic and military threat to Empire , alarm over the falling birth-rate and the residuum .
5 In fixed location , notation was physically attached to certain places on the shelves and books were always filed in the same place .
6 New tubes were always inserted in the same ear .
7 Counts were always performed by the same two independent observers .
8 This farming systems has proved self-sustainable for the past 2,000 years and has altered little except that summer ( wet season ) rice crops were once combined in the same fields with winter ( dry season ) legumes , whereas the winter crop is now wheat .
9 They were usually billed as the star attraction so John obviously made a good profit out of them but they were still paid at the same rate as all his juveniles , five shillings a week .
10 During the day a Beaufighter ( T3294 ) was badly damaged on the ground at Luqa and was subsequently written-off ; a further eight were slightly damaged during the same raid .
11 And each play has a plausible villain , making it tempting to think that Iago and Angelo were both played by the same actor .
12 Many other humanities elements and some maths , science , technology and language requirements , and some art and music , were also covered through the same thematic approach .
13 Recordings ( not shown ) were also made between the same reference electrode and the thread electrode ( B ) connected to the stem between the cotyledonary node and leaf 1 .
14 Later , the internalization of financial and international transactions within conglomerate and multinational firms were also analysed within the same framework . [ … ]
15 They were also subjected to the same monthly attainment tests through which the headmaster monitored the effectiveness of his teachers .
16 To verify that the binding results obtained for I9X reflect the situation with intact Vmw175 , nuclear extracts from HeLa cells , transfected either with or without plasmid p175 ( 30 ) were also incubated with the same probes as above .
17 The Troop Commander thought that they were probably flying round the same small area in a patch of strong sunlight to keep warm ; the Troop Staff Sergeant opined that there was probably something nasty buried beneath the carpet of dead leaves .
18 One outcome of this ‘ natural ’ affinity was that newspaper editorial offices and political parties were often populated by the same people ; newspapers were sometimes funded by political parties and , in line with their ‘ freedom to make a political choice ’ , they espoused certain political ideologies .
19 The questioners were now placed in the same difficulty as Jesus had been in .
20 The complainant no longer needed to make a distinction between petty and serious crime ; all criminal charges were now brought before the same official .
21 They had served deaf people faithfully and with devotion for more than a century and were correctly described in the same editorial as " dedicated men , universal guides philosopher , and friends who had been on call at every hour of the day .
22 The triforium galleries of the nunnery at Gernrode ( 960s ) , perhaps the best preserved Ottonian church , were surely built with the same idea .
23 Emily bit her lip , the girl was obviously in touch with Craig , perhaps they were even living in the same house .
24 I would suggest that it is probable that Marx , as a materialist , would not have disagreed with Bukharin 's exposition of the case , since Marx 's own illustrations of simple and extended reproduction were implicitly based upon the same assumptions .
25 Mothers of Welsh infants of similar age were then recruited from the same areas of the city ; they were thus living in similar accommodation and served by the same health professionals .
26 Charles II managed to induce the Barbados assembly to grant him the revenue forever from a tax of 4½ per cent of the value of all sugar exported from the island , and the Leeward Islands settled on the same terms and were briefly united under the same governor as Barbados .
27 Although Attlee and Greenwood were ready to accept the invitation , they did not do so at once but made sure that both the National Executive and the annual Conference , which were conveniently meeting at the same time , it being the Whit weekend , were fully consulted and in agreement with their acceptance of office .
28 As a result , the council having declined to give an undertaking , the interlocutory injunction was discharged ; and your Lordships were informed that the interlocutory injunctions granted in about 100 other cases were likewise discharged for the same reason .
29 Prisoners offered the choice very rarely preferred death to the colonies but , because they were essentially treated in the same way as indentured servants , they could only go to America if a merchant was willing to take them on the basis of a calculation that he could sell their services at the other end .
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