Example sentences of "were [verb] [prep] [art] new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In those days think-tanks were intoxicated by the new sophistication they could apply to their work by way of computers , games theory and other novelties .
2 These were the fifth and sixth centuries , when Byzantine designs were forming themselves from early Christian patterns , and the tenth to thirteenth centuries when more elaborate buildings were erected in a new wave of expansion .
3 Co-ordination of transport , nationalization of coal , gas and electricity , in short the basic measures carried out between 1945 and 1950 were treated in the new programme as the " four vital measures of reconstruction " .
4 And at one point , showing how the books were formed into the New Testament by the early Church , the report expressed the belief that God gave the early Church its three gifts of ordering of the New Testament , creeds like the apostles ' creed , and the ministry of bishops in their succession from the apostles .
5 And , as the second and third generation of Arab-Americans began to look back across the Atlantic , they were joined by a new wave of immigrants from the Middle East , many of them Lebanese , Palestinians and Iraqis displaced by the political upheavals in the region .
6 But these identifiable elements were blended into a new pattern , which owed its existence to Gloucester himself .
7 But these identifiable elements were blended into a new pattern , which owed its existence to Gloucester himself .
8 They did , however , note that the disturbances of 1811 – 12 were distinguished by a new level of planning and organisation , but still insisted that the involvement of " proper " trade unionists was limited to sympathy .
9 Er much to everybody 's fear , really , because we , we , we were stepping into a new area , you can imagine from , from wires to something with no wires , and the risk of that failing , but , but it worked and er from thereon , of course most Fire Brigades have taken on the task and , and er are now on radio contact of this kind .
10 Yet these signs in themselves emphasise the provisional nature of the Kingdom , because all of those who were healed in the New Testament subsequently became sick and died .
11 The top three results were posted by the new Sigma 35 in CHS 3 and the new J/35 in CHS 2 — the Westerly Typhoon scored 5th overall , with the J/44 4th — while Rob Boulter 's replacement for Alexa , the X-99 sunk in the Round the Island race , came 1st in CHS 1 .
12 Some of the older building was retained at the back and several of the better quality timbers were re-used in the new house .
13 ‘ By the beginning of 1960 ’ , he wrote , ‘ it could no longer be denied that certain parts of London at night were dominated by a new spirit of insecurity ’ : ‘ juvenile delinquency had for the first time in Britain become elevated to the status of a national problem ’ .
14 Locally , it is estimated that more than half the 200 Health Authorities in England and Wales designated a responsible officer , and that there was a greater volume and variety of activity than ever before : traditional courses were supplemented by a new range of imaginative options , to which more managers than ever before had access .
15 Both of the female Cabinet members appointed in 1989 ( in an effort to counter the popularity of Ms Doi ) were dropped from the government , and no women were included in the new Cabinet which was sworn in by Emperor Akihito on Feb. 28 .
16 Early in the new century the Manchester and Salford Scuttlers were succeeded by a new generation calling themselves ‘ Ikes ’ or ‘ Ikey Lads ’ , a name which may have had something to do with distinctive dress-styles made by Jewish tailor shops .
17 His grants were cancelled by the new regime and he pursued his career elsewhere , settling initially in Bruges and returning to Portugal in 1487 .
18 Buttercups , daisies , cranesbill , the red purple of clover , all were pushing through the new grass of the meadows .
19 Long before the Gulf crisis , American , British and French ministries of defence were warning about the new threat from the South — the increase in missiles and chemical weapons , the danger of fanatics , fundamentalists , drug traffickers and so forth .
20 Here they were presented with a new interpretation of world events from the Kremlin which saw the world as divided into ‘ two camps ’ and called on Communists everywhere to resist US ‘ imperialism ’ .
21 Ministers were presented with a new report on unemployment prepared by the OECD secretariat , which repeated its pet theme that the key to reducing unemployment is to make labour markets work better , through measures such as better training and mobility .
22 The right hon. Gentleman said that the previous set of talks had concluded , and that we were looking at the new basis for talks .
23 President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine denied Tory MPs were looking for a new leader , saying : ‘ We know that so long as we keep our nerve and pursue policies that are important we can come through .
24 You probably remember , erm , a stimulating little book published last year by Frank on the Impulse to Philanthropy , where certainly in his nineteenth century analysis of the growth of philanthropy , he saw to main things , evangelicalism , which er , meant that people were going out looking for converts , and therefore doing good social work on the way , and the growth of the women 's movement , in the sense that women otherwise unemployed were looking for a new area of activity to get into .
25 In April , I did point out that if English Heritage ( the body responsible for the preservation of England 's built heritage ) were transferred to the new Department of National Heritage ( which is now the case ) , very careful consideration would need to be given to how planning is coped with , because one of the strengths of English Heritage had been that it was placed within the Department of the Environment where government planning takes place .
26 Well it was the first hundred houses that were built in the New Town and it housed a lot of building trade workers , a lot of engineers and a lot of archi well a lot , a few architects and a few engineers and the rest were building trade workers or of some sort or another , and a few British Hydro
27 When in the last quarter of the century , the natural history collections were moved to the new building in South Kensington , and had no longer to play second fiddle to the historical parts and the library , then the number of jobs increased and the scope for research improved .
28 The old hospital in the area had severe cockroach infestations and some of the medical records and files had been damaged , so before they were moved to the new Conquest Hospital they were all fumigated .
29 Yes , if we skip all the intermediate years with , after the war I came back from the army to find we 'd been bombed out and were living in requisition accommodation , after a time , the , we were moved into a new flat over some shops .
30 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
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