Example sentences of "were [adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We were dead lucky to get to bed without a belting on a Sunday . ’
2 Though it would be some time before he was released from hospital , he was already better and we were all able to relax with relief .
3 This means that the money that the multitude were so eager to learn of will not be as much as was first spoken .
4 Older children were less inclined to wait for attention than younger children .
5 In the event , it went well enough , and the period when they were especially vulnerable passed without assault .
6 This had become operational in 1978 , although full earnings-related pensions were not due to come into effect until 1998 .
7 Low capitalisation tended to be a factor in stifling competition , as firms were not willing to compete on price terms if they did not have the capital backing .
8 There may have been some support for him among the cardinals , but they were not prepared to act in concert and several now put themselves forward .
9 This way , DEC were able to maintain investment in PDP-11 software by those who were not prepared to upgrade to VAX immediately .
10 Most of the English practitioners were not concerned to look at literature as a method of communicating .
11 Then as he turned towards her the overhead lights that she had switched on to look through her dresses shone directly onto his face and she noticed how pale and drawn he looked , lines that were usually unnoticeable etched between nose and mouth , eyes almost feverishly bright .
12 These were swiftly put down and the Glasgow Volunteers , as fine a body of men as ever struggled from one ditch to another , were always ready to spring into action at the drop of a rifle .
13 As is widely known , results showed that those in the experimental group were more likely to remain at home than those in the control group , that the scheme held no cost disadvantages , that levels of subjective stress in carers were reduced , and that there were ‘ significant improvements in a range of indicators of subjective well-being and quality of care ’ for the clients in the experimental group compared with the control group .
14 Similarly , he felt that part-time tutors were more likely to respond to advice from a professional tutor than from someone not involved on the teaching side .
15 On 2o of these occasions , the target was consorting with an oestrus female and , in general , partners were more likely to join in coalition when this was the case .
16 Another study , carried out in America , showed that the children of parents who used pesticide sprays were more likely to suffer from leukemia .
17 It had been recognized that Liberals had been more adept at handling the press because they were more ready to stoop to newspaper practices , as Sandars had reported in 1909 :
18 Before the advent of MRI intramedullary tumours were often difficult to detect on myelography , particularly infiltrating lesions with only minimal expansion of the cord .
19 In May , Harvey wrote to say that he and his wife were now fit to return to duty .
20 Edmund Wilson and Cyril Connolly were as ready to talk of Ovid as of the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant , and indeed ready to illuminate the one by shafts of light thrown from the other …
21 She talks all the time and craves company — something her family were simply unable to provide at home .
22 Hooker replied that it was right to admit them to the Church 's Communion service , which , when he wrote , they were indeed obliged to attend by law .
23 Overall , although readers were well aware that their papers were relatively biased compared to television and although they rated television as much more useful for providing information about issues , they did not rate television much more useful in helping them decide how to vote .
24 We were then able to return to Phosphorus which maintained progress .
25 Children were then able to sit in front of their range dressed up in old fashioned costume and role-play .
26 Some of the forces from which a strong ruler forged powerful government were then likely to contribute to disorder .
27 In 825 the Mercians were heavily defeated by the West Saxons , and were subsequently unable to cope with Viking raids .
28 Jacko and Co were very keen to talk to television , radio supporters last year when the plaudits were flying about .
29 These are people who were too proud to register for compensation , who were shy about meeting delegations from Tokyo and who were diffident about making a political issue over ‘ our little pollution incident ’ .
30 The people 's radio told us more real news , but these days we were too afraid to listen to Colonel Stephens .
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