Example sentences of "were [adj] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Negotiations over Chilean membership of the group were due to resume in the second half of 1991 .
2 And he wanted all the girls who were interested to come to the great city .
3 The most accessible way of progress was through education , for most people had very little money and men were prepared to study in the early morning and late at night during a long week 's work — 10 hours a day for five days and five hours on Saturdays .
4 The Maronites were prepared to cooperate with the outside power because they correctly believed that the French wanted a future independent Lebanon which would look to France for protection .
5 The communists in Shanghai were influenced more by nationalism and were prepared to cooperate with the provisional government , nominally presided over by Rhee .
6 In return for their help , individual popes were prepared to accede to the political requests of the early Tudor kings , even at the cost of the loss of their plenitude of power .
7 Most said that they had been surprised if not totally taken aback on the news of the merger ; but to various degrees said that they were prepared to work with the new ownership as long as the guarantees of openness and neutrality made by Novell regarding the development of System V.4 were maintained .
8 A report in El País of Sept. 13 claimed that the ministries concerned had set a ceiling of 100,000 on the numbers of illegal immigrants whom they were prepared to legalize within the current amnesty programme ( which was to close on Dec. 10 ) .
9 There was also a great spirit of unity among the workers and , although the statements were coloured with rhetoric , it was emphasized that at Wolverhampton , ‘ The whole of the workers stood firm and were prepared to fight to the bitter end ’ and that at Hull there was ‘ Alarm — fear — despair — a victorious army disarmed and handed over to its enemies . ’
10 Some Franks were prepared to fight under the Roman Paul , just as Childeric 's men had once followed Aegidius according to a rather more legendary story which Gregory of Tours knew , but which Fredegar related at greater length .
11 Baldwin and Samuel said that they were willing to serve under the Prime Minister and render all help possible to carry on the Government as a National Emergency Government until an emergency bill or bills had been passed by Parliament , which would restore once more British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
12 Fifth , it offered targets , such as the minimum wage , that were impossible to defend in the current climate .
13 And although the hospitality was superb , we were relieved to move to the warmer climate of Vancouver and Vancouver Island .
14 After the alarms of the last hour or so , Hoomey , Bean and Jazz were relieved to turn to the calming chores of mucking out and filling haynets .
15 But whereas Futurism had been to a large extent aimed at and against Paris and Parisian painting , the Germans were content to remain on the receiving end of things and their work , in the pre-war years at least , had little or no influence back on French art .
16 But in real life such oscillations are seldom as rhythmical as those of a stone hanging freely from a string ; the comparison would be more exact if the string were supposed to hang in the troubled waters of a mill-race , whose stream was at one time allowed to flow freely , and at another partially cut off .
17 Well we were supposed to meet after the last meeting which was cancelled .
18 With the adrenalin in full flow , both East and West concentrated on four further days ‘ curling at various venues in Toronto , at the end of which we were thrilled to emerge as the first Scottish team to win in Canada since 1949 .
19 He spoke scornfully of us raw recruits and pointed out that we would have to get some service in before we were fit to associate with the real members of the Royal Air Force .
20 They were lucky to survive in the 40th minute when Taylor headed against the crossbar , but Wycombe 's Steve Thompson saw a 49th-minute header was cleared off the line by Paul Raven .
21 His engineers were glad to continue with the central job they had been engaged on before : the attempt to speed up power station completion rates in undertakings they now controlled more directly .
22 The Slovenes were given some support from Croatia , but the majority of the republics and provinces were unwilling to return to the old system .
23 Gore 's decision meant that he joined several senior Democrat who had announced that they were unwilling to run for the 1992 nomination .
24 His chapter on the post-1857 situation is confined to a charting exercise in which the context provided is often misleading ( married women 's participation in the labour market did not rise rapidly in the interwar years ) , and in which the facts are sometimes shaky ( not all working-class women were opposed to divorce in the early part of the century ; the Women 's Co-operative Guild gave evidence to the 1909 Royal Commission in favour of it ) .
25 Among them were men from Dulé 's people — five of this first shipment of slaves ; they were all to work on the new sugar plantation ; to stake out canefields in the rainforest .
26 We found a nice level spot under some pine trees with a bed of soft pine needles facing the lake and soon after dark we were happy to crawl under the sleeping blankets .
27 Although as Eleanor Gordon has remarked , the family wage was hardly a reality for most Scottish working-class families , its notional existence had an impact on wages paid to women : if the normal " women 's wage " was low , employers taking on women for newly created jobs were unlikely to look to the male rate as a guide .
28 A few months earlier , West Indies had encountered any number of problems in Australia and had lost the series 5–1 ; they had then beaten India 2–1 at home , the last match being won when no fewer than five Indians were unable to bat in the second innings .
29 However , the Committee were unable to progress beyond the ninth paragraph at that meeting , and another meeting was held six days later to complete the report .
30 It was a turbulent time for college principals , and many were unable to cope with the urgent demands for change which constantly assailed them — not least from their own undergraduates .
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