Example sentences of "were [verb] as a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In yet another demonstration of Yugoslavia 's fragmentation along ethnic lines , hostility between Serbs and Moslems ( who were recognized as a distinct nationality in Yugoslavia ) led to clashes in Bosnia-Hercegovina 's southern town of Foca , and across the nearby border in Serbia 's Novi Pazar district ( part of the historic Sanjak region ) .
2 If the cells were placed as a solid clump in the sandwich , induction was good and many of the cells developed into muscle ; but if the cells were placed in the sandwich as a thin single layer no muscle cells developed .
3 Parts of the Lacandona forest were designated as a biological reserve earlier this year [ see ED 56 ] .
4 Bir Zeit was the largest university in the West Bank and the election results were regarded as a good indicator of general Palestinian support for the two main competing groups , the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) and the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ) .
5 His works were regarded as a primary source of overriding significance for the study not merely of his own activity but of any and every aspect of the history of the revolution .
6 If , however , liquidity were regarded as a scarce commodity , then the bond price would fall as the degree of liquidity rose , in which case the coefficient on the liquidity measure would be negative .
7 Although the colliery communities -were never really associated with the cult of respectability , which was so important in dividing the " rough " from the " respectable " working class in Victorian England , nevertheless the pit brow women were regarded as a moral threat .
8 Before the stories of Helen Keller and Laura Bridgman , two educated deaf and blind ladies in America , became known , deaf and blind people were regarded as a great curiosity .
9 These youth cliques , with picturesque names like Edelweisspiraten or , based on their taste in music , Swing , were regarded as a political menace by the regime , and for the most part their behaviour did contain a distinct political dimension — rejection of the Party , the Hitler Youth , the regime , and the Führer himself and the lack of freedom and dull uniformity which his rule represented .
10 It is important to stress that enterprise zones were regarded as a political experiment by the Conservative government elected in 1979 .
11 Budget deficits were regarded as a normal feature of economic management based on Keynesian principles .
12 Last-minute trips to Boston by the employment minister , Ruari Quinn , and local mayor , Padric McCormack , were regarded as a face-saving exercise — something to be seen to be done .
13 ( The Companies House penalties were regarded as a minor inconvenience by the directors . )
14 It could only be assimilated to it if ‘ I disapprove of prostitution ’ were treated as a tentative way of saying that prostitution is wrong , that is , as a tentative expression of an attitude against prostitution rather than as an expression of one 's awareness of one 's own disapproval of it .
15 First , the ‘ aggregation ’ principle meant that on marriage the husband and wife were treated as a single tax unit , with any income earned by the wife being added to that of the husband for tax purposes .
16 In 1861 student disorders at several universities , encouraged by the reforming initiatives undertaken by the government following the Crimean War , were treated as a mortal threat to the social order .
17 In July , McGovern , supported by Campbell Stephen , had openly stated the necessity of such a return if the ILP were to continue as a significant organization .
18 The group 's present offices were intended as a temporary base before staff moved into better premises which can not be used because of fire damage .
19 Comments by Archbishop Romero on the Catholic radio station , to the effect that the march did not represent the views of the Salvadorean people and avoided the whole issue of human rights violations , were attacked as a vile calumny on Salvadorean women.3 On the day of the march , " friends and relatives " ( El Mando ) kindly flew light aircraft and helicopters over San Salvador to protect the demonstration on the route to the staff headquarters of the armed forces .
20 Widows ' pensions were designed as a partial replacement for loss of a ‘ family wage ’ or husband 's retirement pension , but have become increasingly problematic as more women get divorced or prefer to remain unmarried .
21 As dinner was being served , Chopin 's nocturnes and polonaises were included as a tasteful background to incessant , and sometimes inane , chatter .
22 In addition , four patients ' lymph nodes seen to contain acid fast bacilli on Ziehl-Neelsen staining were included as a positive control of DNA extraction and sample inhibition in our study samples .
23 ‘ A number of staff were evacuated as a precautionary measure .
24 A number of ministries were merged as a cost-cutting measure .
25 A few months after their wedding , they were seen as a married couple again — this time , in the film Henry V.
26 It is unfortunate that the CACs were seen as a political football and they provide an interesting indication of what might possibly happen were all legal services to be funded from local or central government .
27 The elections were seen as a political victory for Rafsanjani , whose supporters won a majority of the seats , and a setback for the radical faction led by the Speaker of the majlis , Ayatollah Mehdi Karrubi , and the former Interior Minister , Hojatolislam Ali Akbar Mohtashemi .
28 These ‘ philosophical naturalists ’ searched for the order of Nature not in natural laws of the kind familiar to the physicist , but in universal patterns linking the diverse forms of living structure , patterns that were seen as a direct product of the Creator 's rational thought .
29 By the end of 1944 Morgenthau seemed persuaded that the task would be eased if Britain were to serve as a junior partner in pursuit of these objectives .
30 The Narnia chronicles , for example , were written as a mythological expression of the gospel story .
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