Example sentences of "were [verb] by the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The only logical conclusion is that Brampton and Vechey were hanged by the same person . ’
2 Both of the great Montreal CPR stations , Windsor ( 1888 ) and Place Viger , were designed by the same architect , Bruce Price , in the heavy Richardsonian Romanesque manner .
3 Clearly there is a distinct problem , not so much in the poems , but in the fact that they were written by the same man , they present so clearly different opinions of nature and the role of man , and his enlightenment .
4 The documents , already signed by Mr. O'Brien , were produced by the same clerk .
5 The enumerations were performed by the same investigator ( LH ) throughout the study .
6 Both the projector and the turntable were powered by the same motor to ensure they ran at the same speed .
7 Height and weight were measured by the same observer ( AT ) in all patients at the time of study .
8 For a long period , they were opened by the same intelligence case officer as opened correspondence between William Black and the European Commission of Human Rights at Strasbourg .
9 The more valuable emergency aid was siphoned off by foreign ministry officials for their own use or re-sale ( just as many of the outpourings of Western sympathy for the orphans and destitute of Ceauşescu 's Romania were purloined by the same fat-cats in the ministries early in 1990 after the fall of their master ) .
10 writes from : THE funerals of both a soldier blown up in Ulster and a young mother murdered on Wimbledon Common were marked by the same poem :
11 This strategy was to devote 20% of the fund to buying futures when they were underpriced by a specified amount , and closing out these futures positions when the futures were overpriced by the same amount .
12 In 1951 , for example , the Boards had been asked by the Minister to cut their spending on rural electrification , and most did so ; the South Western Board , by contrast , pressed on and a few years later were praised by the same Minister for pursuing this uneconomic development .
13 And , secondly , she points to the importance to Dicey of the idea that all cases were judged by the same body of people , following a single body of rules .
14 The slope of the writing , the way the ‘ i ’ , ‘ t ’ , ‘ j ’ and ‘ d ’ are written , the hooks , loops , twirls and rounded letters , the size of lettering and punctuation , all leave me in no doubt that the two documents were penned by the same hand . ’
15 In 1691 the Company recognized this and set up two separate administrations , though they were run by the same governor until 1710 .
16 … the two halves of our recommendations were governed by the same logic .
17 all quantities were to alter by the same factor from 1976 to 1981 , or
18 Scientists report that 150 dead or dying dolphins washed up on the shores of Italy and Sicily since June were infected by the same morbillivirus which accounted for those killed in 1990 [ see ED no .
19 Both committees , therefore , were concerned with similar questions and they were serviced by the same secretariat .
20 The imprecise messages also suggested the bombs were planted by the same cell which targeted north London last week .
21 Where there may be ambiguity , because two works exist that were published by the same author in the same year , the two works can be labelled ( a ) and ( b ) , as in , Kachru 1982(a) and Kachru 1982(b) .
22 In those patients from whom two biopsy specimens had been taken , slides were read by the same examiner .
23 Six warriors escaped north to seek help from the 2000 Lakota living in Canada under Sitting Bull , but they were murdered by the same Assiniboin Indians who had been their hosts two days before .
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