Example sentences of "were [verb] to the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His shirt hung open as he sat again , and Theda 's eyes were riveted to the long column of his neck , the golden glow of his chest below it .
2 Strange twists were given to the normal body of human nature , revealing that such freak developments are potentially in all of us all the time .
3 No details were given to the National Union or to the constituencies involved , so much hard work had to be done and much recrimination endured before the party could settle down to the campaign .
4 Some , mainly those of war time subjects and taken in the 30 's and 40's were given to the National Portrait Gallery , but the best were retained by the V. and A.
5 Like Leonard , they were given to the literary life .
6 TIPS on how to get the best all year round use from small greenhouses were given to the large audience attending a Bramshott , Liphook and District Horticultural Society evening .
7 At first starting on an ad hoc and ad hominem basis before the birth of the Romanov dynasty , the system of transporting the unwanted criminal detritus and the antisocial , nonconformist and subversive members of the Russian social and political order — both tsarist and Soviet — steadily generated a huge sprawling diaspora comprising millions of wretched human beings who were banished to the living purgatory of Siberian exile .
8 Such likely opponents of the economic strategy as Lord Carrington and Sir Ian Gilmour were banished to the Foreign Office while Francis Pym went to Defence .
9 These changes , which were limited to the big club sides , will be examined later in relation to media interest in sport .
10 They have had to develop more detailed service costings than required by their main customers , the district health authorities , who were limited to the less information costly block contracts during the first year of the internal market .
11 Many nationalized industries , which long posed problems for governments , not least in pay negotiations , were floated to the private sector .
12 Reports on Jan. 22 said that the recently privatized Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd and the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan , a development finance organization , were to appeal to the Supreme Court against a ruling by an Islamic court banning bank interest [ see p. 38683-84 ] .
13 This having been said , the consultation generated almost three times the volume correspondence as the last major consultation on the revision of the practice rules in 1990 , and roughly four times as many responses as were received in connection with the consultation on multi-disciplinary partnerships in 1987 ( although more local law society responses were received to the 1987 consultation ) .
14 Unless your doctor were to go to the additional trouble of writing on the prescription that he meant exactly what he had written , and was forbidding the chemist to substitute , you would get the cheapest product .
15 Finally we were referred to the recent decision of the House of Lords in Roy v. Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Family Practitioner Committee [ 1992 ] 1 A.C. 624 .
16 Many undiagnosed patients with prostatic obstruction were referred to the renal unit .
17 All 18 appeared before magistrates in Kampala on May 7 and were referred to the High Court .
18 It was not appropriate for the son to care for her but it became too much for the daughter-in-law , who was admitted to psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown , and the problems were referred to the local area social service office .
19 In December 1982 Jim 's family started squatting in council housing and were referred to the social work department by the housing department .
20 Any of the casuals who showed signs of being genuinely ill were referred to the medical officer and were treated in the infirmary .
21 Once recruited they were marched to the nearest railway station , entrained on a variety of wagons , and transported to recruiting reception centres and on to the mines .
22 The formality of the occasion slightly spoiled as Sadat and about thirty Egyptian officials waved goodbye ; the Shah turned the 707 too soon and his hosts were exposed to the full blast of it taxiing engines .
23 Another four mice were exposed to the same lamp with a glass cover on it .
24 If the absurdity of the present position of the Death Grant were exposed to the public gaze , would not reform become easier ?
25 The canal plans were not included in Japan 's report to the convention , but details were leaked to the Japanese press .
26 Finance Minister Michael Wilson was forced to reveal full details of his 1989 budget a day early , on April 26 , 1989 , after major elements were leaked to the Global Television Network .
27 Algeria on May 9 , 1989 , expelled nine ETA members to Cape Verde , and several more were flown to the Dominican Republic in September [ for April 1989 expulsions see p. 36597 ; for November 1986 agreement by Algeria to accept ETA members see p. 35800 ] .
28 He was a keen astronomer , and two of his observations were communicated to the Royal Society by Edmund Halley [ q.v . ] .
29 There had always been a radical element in the local Labour parties and this was now augmented by former members of the ILP who were returning to the Labour Party in large numbers .
30 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
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