Example sentences of "were [verb] [prep] the [adj] end " in BNC.

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1 Crates of fruit and vegetables were stacked at the other end .
2 The beliefs about the financial gains from the monarchy were described as being almost fully formulated justifications , as if they were situated towards the explicit end but were not yet fully explicit .
3 A score of older cadets were waiting at the far end behind what was evidently a transparent plascrystal wall .
4 Charles Laubscher , who remembers : ‘ We were flying across the southern end of the island when Control came on the air with the warning that two bogeys were in our area .
5 so therefore then your doors were connected by hinges to the keel and from the keel to the cones , that 's where your door was , so that 'd swing on the keel and then your chains were fixed to the other end of the door and you hauled that up on your cones .
6 Several hundred dryads were clustered at the other end of the hall .
7 Some seals are cylindrical , and in the earliest period , from 2500 BC onwards , the designs were carved on the flat end , not on the curve as in Syrian and Mesopotamian seals .
8 Only the hide-covered penthouse was occupied , and the three men in that were jammed at the opposite end , craning to watch the brilliant theatre ; the exchange at the gates upon which their survival depended .
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