Example sentences of "n't really [verb] much [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 See he does n't really want much brown on him he just needs a coat .
2 When we were first warned , I did n't really pay much attention to what was being said about it — the same problem had flared up at both Jersey House and the hotel I 'd just left but in neither case had there been prolonged cause for concern .
3 I did n't really give much thought to coming to France , and I certainly did n't give much thought to making love with you .
4 Those of us who did n't join up until 1943 , either because we were too young or like me in a reserved occupation , did n't really stand much chance of promotion , not unless we were absolutely brilliant and not many of us were that .
5 Tha that 's quite good for , for the biological stuff , it does n't really contain much sort of useful for the last three or four lectures , it does n't contain much on sort of ocean circulation and the physics , you know but it covers the biology interactions quite well .
6 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
7 By birth she was a lioness , born under the ruling sign of Leo and proud of it , even if she did n't really set much store by astrology .
8 This sort of work can supply us with clues to the possible way of life of our ancestors , but it does n't really contribute much information about our origins .
9 ‘ I did n't really take much notice of him .
10 The only thing is I ca n't really put much salad in them there , because salad does n't freeze awfully well
11 I did n't really have much idea of what was going on at all .
12 At his age , and where he lives , he does n't really have much hope of getting anything more advanced , though he is certainly intelligent and able .
13 So I do n't really have much conversation with a lot of them .
14 " I do n't really have much time at all , thanks all the same . "
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