Example sentences of "'s [adv] [adv] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's also worth just bearing in mind that we 're talking about only one percent of the erm of the farmed land i in this county , we 're not talking about banning hunting in in er in Leicestershire , we 're talking about what we 're saying on one percent there are tens of thousand of fields in in this county nothing can change overnight , even if this er motion goes through because the tenants will still have the rights to decide , it 's only when you actually start getting to new tenancy agreements that you will be in a position if you wish , to start to change things and therefore I suppose at the end of erm , at the end of five years you might have a hundred or two hundred fields on which this ban will apply but you will still have tens of thousand of fields on which the , the hunt will still be , the hunts in this county will still be free to , erm , to operate .
2 See money 's all right they probably love the money you can bring in but if they do n't see you to spend it or to share it .
3 It 's exactly how I always imagined Italy would be . ’
4 Well I 'm not sure I mean it 's interest I mean the the Council erm with another the Council looked upon attendances of the things Council do and many people who use the facilities in Harlow will argue we do n't get anything like this where we live and we always find it like that you know it 's that sort of mentality where people in Harlow may or may not say well course you get it in Harlow we expect it it 's just there it just saves we know it 's getting them people to use it but I talk to people I 'm sure people who live in Harlow or the Council to people and Harlow people tend to think well yes yes it 's all with always it 's always there .
5 If it 's off then I just walk off stage and go ‘ Eeyaahh ! ’ and that 's it .
6 ‘ That 's probably why they always look stupid , ’ said Sam .
7 When he 's here alone he usually relies on the Yale " .
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